I am appalled and I am incensed. In the paper today I read that Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's second-highest leader said the sex scandals haunting the Catholic church are linked to homosexuality. He said that "many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia." He said others have shown "that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia ," and "that is the problem." He asserted that the church had never impeded investigations of pedophilia by priests. I am numb. How can this man be such an ass to think that he can excuse what has gone on in his church, my church, by simply saying it is the fault of homosexuals? Can he really believe that being homosexual equates to being an abuser of children? Shame, shame, shame on him. To be so ignorant and so frightened I can't even imagine. Someone who abuses children is not homosexual, not heterosexual, not male, not female, but someone who has not become anything at all and therefore preys on the innocent and those they can dominant. Being a pedophile has to do with who you aren't not who you are. Someone who harms the innocent in any way is someone who is not, has never been, and doesn't believe he ever will be. Isn't that someone who would gravitate towards the priesthood? Make me whole, make me worthy, make me someone? Now please, before you get all bent out of shape thinking that I am saying all priests are somehow scarred, or incomplete, I am not. I know that many called to this vocation are truly called by God and are doing his work, but why why why are there so many men in the priesthood who take advantage of our young? I don't have a definitive answer to that question, but it is not because they are homosexual, and it is not because they are celibate. First of all, if you are a heterosexual priest and you are having a problem with your vow of celibacy and are going to break it, you are going to find a heterosexual woman. If you are a homosexual priest and you are having a problem with your vow of celibacy and are going to break it, you are going to find a homosexual man. If you are a sick priest who is just having all sorts of problems you are going to try and take control. Who is the easiest to control? Children. What is the best way to control anyone? Through fear. Fear of what? Fear of being found out, fear of someone knowing you did something wrong, or bad. And what holds the greatest power of control? Sex. Women mad at their husbands withhold it. Women entice men with it. Men become idiots for it. So these priests who have committed these crimes are not sexual at all, they are meek, they are sick, and they need help. They are not helped by the church's denial and protection, neither is the church. Even Jesus asked God for help, maybe it is time the church turned to God too.
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