Saturday, May 1, 2010

10 Questions with Karl Rove

One of Time Magazine's 10 questions with Karl Rove: "As a GOP strategist, what would you be most afraid of Democrats doing strategically as they head into the 2010 election?"  His answer: "Focus on jobs and succeed at doing something in a bipartisan way that helps the economy grow.  But none of those things are going to happen."  I almost think he was thinking, over my dead body will I let any of that happen!  He and others like him don't want the unemployed to have job opportunities.  Karl Roves and others like him don't want any republican to agree with anything the democrats want to try and do, even if it will help the economy grow.  Bottom line, Karl Roves and others like him do not give a you know what about you and me.  And the Karl Roves of this country will spread lies, and try to whip people into a frenzy about things that simply aren't the way they tell us they are, because they want to control the country!  They don't want a two party system, they want to rule, they want everything to be their way because they are very happy with their way life is, it is good for them!  Karl Rove's picture in Time Magazine says it all, he is so pompous, he doesn't even know that his answer to that question basically says; "Anything this administration does that might be good for the country, I will fight against, because I am on the other side, and I want to win."  Karl Roves and others like him are playing a game that costs them personally nothing, but could cost people like me, everything.  It is time for Karl Roves and others like him to be told to go away, we don't want to play them anymore.


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