How do we improve education in Michigan and the good ol' U S of A? It is vital to start by improving teacher education and my last blog addressed that. Of course, my ideas are not all of the answers, but it is quite obvious that changes to how teachers-to-be are educated and trained need to be made. I mean, I am sure the field of medicine has changed how doctors are educated based on the developments in the field, well, the structure of the family has changed, kids have changed due to the environment, nutrition (or lack of), and technology, how children learn has changed, in a big way, so how we learn to teach needs to change.
Step 2: Once on the job, there needs to be much better mentoring, and more opportunity to observe good and bad teaching. Every new teacher needs to be paired with a master teacher, and it is common practice to pair the new teacher with one who is tenured, but the tenured teacher is not always a master teacher (and I will address the system of tenure in another part of this series). The two of them should have time to go into other teachers' classrooms (not just once), that the master teacher has chosen, and then discuss what went on, what worked and what didn't and why. This will cost money because substitutes will be needed to cover classes in order to free up the teacher-in-training and the master teacher, but it will be money well spent. For this to realistically produce a better teacher, all teachers need to be willing to be critiqued, thereby improving many teachers! I see teaching as a constantly evolving process, you're never done, you're never good enough and you're never as good as you can be. New teachers also need to not have to do so many hours of professional development! In most districts new teachers have to put in triple the amount of time as seasoned teachers to learn new things. Doesn't it make more sense to let them use that time to implement what they just spent four or five years learning? New teachers burn out quickly because it is so overwhelming and the support received is minimal, we need to change this. I think teaching is a wonderful profession, and new teachers need to be encouraged and nurtured just as their students do. Another change that needs to be made in the college education of teachers is to make it clear that the certificate that states they are "highly qualified" to teach such and such, does not mean that they now know it all. I see too many new teachers who think they have nothing more to learn and that they are ready to go it alone. That certificate means the new teacher is ready to start a career in teaching, and if day 1 looks the same as day 180, that's a problem.
Yes I Am... This is the new name for my blog because it is the name of my new business. Yes I Am... starting a new endeavor because, well, because I just am!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Education Reform Intro and Part 1
Do we need to reform public education? Yes, we do. The people in Lansing and Washington, however, do not understand what needs to be done. They think that by making the curriculum more rigorous we will produce smarter graduates, but we won't. Why won't we you ask? Well, we have many cognitively advanced students now who are excelling in their studies, going on to college and being successful there. Then we have some cognitively advanced students who are not excelling, not doing average work, and some failing. They don't "do school" well. We have many cognitively average students now who are excelling in their studies, going to college and being successful there. Then we have some cognitively average students who are not excelling, not doing average work, and some failing. They don't "do school" well either. And we have some cognitively below average students now, who because they work really hard, are excelling in their studies, going on to college and being successful there. Then we have some cognitively below average students who are not excelling, not doing average work, and many failing. They not only are less able, they don't "do school" well. Kids who "do school" well, make it their focus. They get to class not only on time, but early. They prepare for learning by getting out the materials necessary and they are armed with all they need for that class, including their homework! They sit up, they lean in, they turn their heads to the point of instruction or discussion. They participate. They want to learn, and they are willing to work hard to gain knowledge. Kids who don't do well in school don't make it their focus. We need to help them learn how to "do school." Just "raising the bar" will not increase our graduation rate nor get our kids career and college ready. So how do we do this? Step 1: Colleges need to improve their teacher training programs. Those studying to become teachers need to be instructed in the basics of how to engage kids, (not entertain), and how to develop relationships with kids so they will want to learn from you. Teachers need to KNOW KIDS. All teachers should have many classes on child and adolescent development, not just one or two. Teachers should LIKE KIDS, and there needs to be way to weed out those who think teaching is just a grand career because they fancy the time they think they will have off, or they just love a subject area and want others to love it too, but don't really have time to bothered with kids! Teacher education in college should include some sort of interview/dialogue process (before student teaching), with seasoned teachers so those who probably shouldn't be teachers can be identified and gently led down another path! Colleges need to have in the teacher education curriculum courses that will instruct teachers-to-be in how to share control with their students, in other words, to explore the idea of active learning as opposed to passive learning. Teacher in charge and talking, talking, talking, just doesn't work for kids, at least not American kids and that's where we are. It is time the people in Lansing and Washington realized we are not Japan and if you know about the educational system in Japan (and many European countries), that's a good thing (not that they don't have some excellent ideas that we should embrace, and I'll get to that). We can best them, but not by just making school really, really hard. Okay enough for tonight, Part 2 later.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Okay, I am so in love with my grandchildren. McKenzie at three is just the brightest, most adorable little girl. Braden is gorgeous, and every bit as smart as McKenzie in a sly sort of way. I live for them. I remember when I first held Kenzie in my arms on the day she was born, I simply fell in love again. When Braden was given to me to hold, well, falling in love is a beautiful thing! It is just so natural to be around them, to talk to them, to play and laugh and dance with them. And they are so good! They laugh and run and pretend and remember and love me back. Well, Braden didn't for a while, he actually didn't want me around. We figured it was because I am the one who stays over when Joe and Heather get a chance to get away, and Braden loves his mommy and daddy! John, who babysits twice a week, is the King and one of their favorite things, but Braden would see me and think "hey mommy and daddy are going away!" But, we have turned a corner! I am now accepted, loved and hugged by my grandson! There are so many things going on right now that worry me, make me sad, and upset me, but I have these wonderful beings in my life to bring me joy. I can't thank God enough for them, and I know why they are here; they are pure, they are innocent, and they are love. Grandchildren are here to remind us that God knows what he is doing, we are the ones who mess things up! So goodnight to my loves and goodnight to you.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Raise the bar, fall on your ass, blame public education
Okay, let's start with raising the bar. There is a plan to set the bar higher for determining what's considered proficient on the MEAP and the MME. The goal is to boost college readiness and career readiness. First let me just make it clear that it isn't raising the bar higher that is a concern to those of us in the trenches; it is the fact that the bar was to be raised little by little, but it wasn't. Students' test scores did improve as the Michigan Merit Curriculum was taught and learned, but the low cut scores were not increased little by little, instead they remained frozen. Now they want to take the bar and make it unreachable for most students, they have stated that fewer students will pass state exams. The curriculum is still being taught, and the students are still learning, but it won't look that way. In fact, teachers will again be blamed for the failure of their students and the need to cut pay and benefits will be lauded as just punishment for not doing the job. In reality the only thing that will have changed is a number. Look at it like this; you're a member of the pole vaulting team and the minimum the bar is set at is 10 feet, all members must be able to consistently vault over that bar for your team to be considered successful. Your little brother is set to try out for the team next year. You have been working with him and he can easily vault over the 10 foot bar and has successfully, on occasion, vaulted over a 13 foot bar. Now, you just found out that the bar has been raised! In order to make the team, in order to be proficient in pole vaulting, you must be able to vault over a bar that is 16 feet high! Oh, and you have only one chance to do it. Good luck, and don't blame the coach.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Exciting News
I wasn't sure if I wanted to do any blogging about my daughter's engagement, but why not? While it wasn't unexpected that the question would be popped around the holidays, it was still such a super exciting moment when we got the news. John and I were at the home of a dear friend, and I was preparing to leave by visiting the bathroom when John's cell phone rang, and I just knew! So out of the bathroom I came to hear John say something about how wonderful it was and then I took the phone and we just kind of jumped up and down for a while. So now the planning begins, and I am praying and hoping that it will be more fun than not! I did a lot to help Heather when she and Joe were getting married so I have some experience, but still... Anyway, we are thrilled, my daughter picked a winner and he's a lucky man; it's just right. Amen.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Dear Mrs. Green
Dear Mrs. Green,
I agree, there has been a lot of hatred going on and it needs to stop. I am so sorry for your loss. Your little girl is dead, because big people can't get along. How sad and horrible is that? She was born on September 11, 2001, and she thought she might like to be a politician. She would have been a good one because she was kind and smart. A bullet from a gun that the young man should never have had, ended her bright life, and it has ended his. Wow, what a world we live in. We are no better than any other country; we are not the home of the free and the land of the brave. I don't feel free, I feel scared. Bravery does not surround me, arrogance does. Was the gunman crazy? Yes. Did others know this? Yes. Was anything done? No. So, Mrs. Green I will pray, for you and for all of us. May we one day come to realize that every single decision that we must make should be a decision that offers protection to those who are vulnerable and to secure a future to those who will follow.
I agree, there has been a lot of hatred going on and it needs to stop. I am so sorry for your loss. Your little girl is dead, because big people can't get along. How sad and horrible is that? She was born on September 11, 2001, and she thought she might like to be a politician. She would have been a good one because she was kind and smart. A bullet from a gun that the young man should never have had, ended her bright life, and it has ended his. Wow, what a world we live in. We are no better than any other country; we are not the home of the free and the land of the brave. I don't feel free, I feel scared. Bravery does not surround me, arrogance does. Was the gunman crazy? Yes. Did others know this? Yes. Was anything done? No. So, Mrs. Green I will pray, for you and for all of us. May we one day come to realize that every single decision that we must make should be a decision that offers protection to those who are vulnerable and to secure a future to those who will follow.
I'm Trying!
I am trying to take this in another directions, but... Okay, reading Sunday's paper; "Finally: Help wanted in Michigan." Fortunately this is a first in a series of articles, so I may get answers to my questions; like what a difference a week makes? I swear, just a week ago all was doom and gloom, but now, suddenly the jobs are back! The auto industry is leading the way with 23,000 hourly and salaried jobs needing to be filled this year alone. The paper says to expect plenty of jobs in health care and other parts of the service sector, there will be a strong demand for everyone from accountants to cashiers! There will be jobs to be found in emerging industries like alternative energy, defense and film. I am not complaining, jobs mean people, people mean families, families mean children, children mean schools, schools mean teachers, and the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone! I'm just wondering what the hell happened? Is the Snyder administration responsible for this surge in positive energy that is translating into this job mecca?
On another note, "Christian youths attack car full of Muslims." These criminals, who were anything but Christian, killed seven people who were returning from a wedding. The murderers will not go to heaven to be greeted by the Muslim martyrs, sorry if you think otherwise. I remember reading about Jesus getting angry and turning tables over and screaming "GET OUT!" But I do not recall that he ever murdered anyone. WWJD, not a bad think to think about, and if you think he would attack a car full of Muslims, you're wrong.
Finally, and I bet you knew it was coming, I do think that people like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman with their rhetoric and their ignorance and their desire for power, are to blame. Stop listening to them and their ilk because with every utterance they spread fear and anger, and that's no way to lead, but it is the way to destroy.
On another note, "Christian youths attack car full of Muslims." These criminals, who were anything but Christian, killed seven people who were returning from a wedding. The murderers will not go to heaven to be greeted by the Muslim martyrs, sorry if you think otherwise. I remember reading about Jesus getting angry and turning tables over and screaming "GET OUT!" But I do not recall that he ever murdered anyone. WWJD, not a bad think to think about, and if you think he would attack a car full of Muslims, you're wrong.
Finally, and I bet you knew it was coming, I do think that people like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman with their rhetoric and their ignorance and their desire for power, are to blame. Stop listening to them and their ilk because with every utterance they spread fear and anger, and that's no way to lead, but it is the way to destroy.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I just can's help myself, I can't ignore stupidity!
There is a new governor in Wisconsin, Scott Walker, and he is threatening to take away government workers' right to form unions and bargain contracts. Now to me that sounds more like a dictatorship than a democracy and we should all be very worried about this. Worse is his thinking; "We can no longer live in a society where the public employees are the haves and the taxpayers who foot the bills are the have-nots... the bottom line is that we are going to look at every legal means we have to try to put that balance more on the side of the taxpayers." Public employees are the haves? No, Governor Walker public employees are the ones working damn hard for a small slice of the pie and you want to take away the one safety net they have, unions. And guess what, public employees are taxpayers! So, excuse me, but what in the hell are your spewing? A bunch of crap I think, in the guise of sounding intelligent and as if you care about the workers of this country. Then there is another new governor, John Kasich of Ohio, who wants to ban strikes by teachers, and says "If they want to strike, they should be fired. They've got good jobs, they've got high pay, they get good benefits, a great retirement, what are they striking for?" What? They wouldn't want to strike if their great pay, good benefits, and great retirement wasn't about to be taken away! What a moron! How do these idiots get elected, and why or why are there so many people, who will be deeply affected by their agendas, in support of them? I'm trying to go in a different direction with this blog, but when I read this stuff I just can't help myself!
Monday, January 3, 2011
This is a really "I Don't Get It."
I know I was going to go in a new direction, but this is something I need expert clarification on. I have a 25 year old son who attends school and works. His health care has up until now been on my policy. I was expecting that he would continue to be on my policy until turning 26 with the new health care deal. When I called my benefits person today I was informed that since our enrollment period begins with the new school year, and not January 1st, he falls off now and can't get back on! While I know how lucky we have been to have been provided with health care for our son, I really don't get how the new law states that a parent's insurance provider must provide insurance for a child until he or she turns 26, but my employer is telling me that they don't have to. I will be happy to receive responses, especially those that may help me to understand why my son can't be covered, or even better, how I make a case to get him covered! Thanks to all who take the time to help me "get it."
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Let the New Year Begin!
I needed to post something yesterday but not having a really deep thought I didn't post one! Today I do, have a deep thought that is. How do you see 2010? I see it as having been a year that brought some pretty good things my way, yet all that was hoped for did not come to fruition. I am not complaining. I am one of the lucky ones whose life did not completely fall apart, or even really feel much change. I look back on 2010 and smile at some pretty wonderful memories, shake my head at some pretty ridiculous stuff that went on, and basically know I had a very good year. I want another one. I do not live an excessive lifestyle. I try to take care of myself. I work hard. I take care of my family. I pray, and I hope, and I dream. And there you have the deep thought. I am lucky enough to believe; I mean really, really believe. So I pray and know that my prayers will be answered. I am not sure how they will be answered, but God is listening and will reply. I am fortunate enough to be able to hope. I hope that everyone I love will be safe, happy and healthy. The ability is there for that hope to be a reality, that's lucky. I also dream of good things. I get lost in my dreams sometimes and know that they will not be reality, but that's okay because my life now is good enough that I can be okay with my dreams. What I want, is for 2011 to be a year that allows growth and change to be embraced. I pray that those I love will find whatever it is they might be searching for; love, peace, contentment, joy, companionship, or simply the ability to be comfortable in their skin and place. I hope that those I know and care about who are suffering will find relief and healing. I hope that those I know and love will continue to live lives of fulfillment and prosper in this new year. I dream the dreams of mine. May 2011 be the year that allows you to see beauty in a gray day, to hear music in the noise, to speak the truth when it is difficult, to smell the flowers that are on the path that you journey, and to touch a life that you do not know you touch, in fact, may you touch many. God Bless and Happy New Year.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
One Year
My blog is a year old, and like the day I started I am at a loss as to what to write about. I don't know where I will go from here. I will keep writing, it is good for me, however, change is needed. We'll see. Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night.
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