Monday, January 10, 2011

Dear Mrs. Green

Dear Mrs. Green,
I agree, there has been a lot of hatred going on and it needs to stop.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Your little girl is dead, because big people can't get along.  How sad and horrible is that?  She was born on September 11, 2001, and she thought she might like to be a politician.  She would have been a good one because she was kind and smart.  A bullet from a gun that the young man should never have had, ended her bright life, and it has ended his.   Wow, what a world we live in.  We are no better than any other country; we are not the home of the free and the land of the brave.  I don't feel free, I feel scared.  Bravery does not surround me, arrogance does.  Was the gunman crazy?  Yes.  Did others know this?  Yes.  Was anything done?  No.  So, Mrs. Green I will pray, for you and for all of us.  May we one day come to realize that every single decision that we must make should be a decision that offers protection to those who are vulnerable and to secure a future to those who will follow. 

1 comment:

  1. The world is a really scary place. At least there are some good people to balance it out.
