The eight republican presidential candidates who debated the other evening are all idiots. Worse, they are ugly, ugly human beings. Their level of disrespect for the office of the presidency is evident, so it is clear that they do not aspire to be leaders but to be a sort of celebrity. They are self-serving individuals who have no interest or intent on making the lives of the majority of Americans better. They are saying what ultra conservative members of our country want to hear, just to get elected, then they will fulfill an agenda that is written to benefit the richest members of society. They will sleep well at night even though their platforms disregard the needest people, even though their agendas are to wipe out an educated middle class. They have no conscience, and they feel they are the chosen, entitled ones. They have friends in high places and desire to keep them as they desire to continue to live their high life styles. The republicans in the House and Senate have one goal, to see President Obama fail, and it doesn't matter what the consequences of their actions (or in-action), are to the commoner. They want to reign, pure and simple. President Obama is a black man, and the conservative republicans can't stand that. Make no mistake, a white democratic president they would be able to handle, they can't handle that the highest office of the land is being held by a black man. They are not tolerant, they have no integrity and they are not truthful. If you don't see that you are blind. America is being destroyed, and the destroyers do not care because they have wealth enough to be on top, and believe me they do not look down.
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