I came up with an idea quite a while ago to develop products around the concept of Yes I am...
With the educational climate being what it is, and being an educator, I decided I wanted to make a statement. I came up with a T-Shirt that says Yes I am... on the front, and more than a test score! on the back. I have been wearing mine proudly to school and will continue to, everyday. I seriously plan to wear my shirt EVERYDAY. I am mad as hell, I am not going to take it anymore, and I am more than a test score, and this is my way of shouting it! I believe teachers need to wear this shirt, and students of all ages need to wear this shirt until those mandating that testing define us get that it doesn't! I am so much more than a test score! Every student is so much more that a test score! We need to stop the nonsense that is going on in Lansing and in Washington. We need to stop this madness, and that is what it is. I used to think that it was just ridiculous, the idea that a test score, a number that tells nothing about what a student actually understands or what he or she doesn't, was causing so much havoc in the world of education, but it has gone beyond being just ridiculous, it has become damaging. The idea that a test score, a number, that gives no information concerning what an individual student really understands or doesn't understand, has become the way we decide which teachers are good and which teachers are not, has become the way we determine which students are "college and career" ready and which are not, is unconscionable. What does an ACT score of 16 tell you? What does an ACT score of 24 tell you? It tells me that overall, the student with the 16 tested less well than the student who scored 24, but it doesn't tell me why. It gives me no indication of how "ready" the student is for life after high school. I know students who scored quite high on the ACT and I know students who scored low, I also know which of these students are more prepared to be successful after high school based on many factors that have nothing to do with their test score, but you can't put that information into any data machine. So if you agree that a test score does not define you, does not define any student, than order one of my shirts. The cost of the shirt is $13.00 which includes tax. I am only just beginning this start-up so I will need you to leave me contact info at rose42benn@comcast.net You can order most any color, sizes are small, med. lrg, & XL, men's or women's. Shipping charges for orders of 10 or more - free, so get with your colleagues, otherwise shipping in the U.S. is $3.00. Yes I am... more than a test score!
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