Michigan Open Carry has 200 members statewide, only 200, yet they are making enough noise that Royal Oak may cave and allow guns to be part of Arts, Beats & Eats. That is a lot of power people. It frightens me, and it should frighten you. What exactly is wrong with people like the guy pictured in the Free Press article, laughing in Starbucks while he shows off his 9mm handgun? I am not impressed. He is not a man, and I truly wonder about his state of mind. There are laws protecting me from second hand smoke, but if I walk just about anywhere, I am in danger of being shot by a moron packing a pistol. I would rather take my chances with the smoke thank you. The goal of this group is "to bring gun ownership out of the closet." Please! Is displaying your gun on your hip some sort of badge of courage? They threaten to expose business owners who won't allow people carrying guns on their premises by naming them on the internet. Good! I will go to those businesses. I want this group to let me know via the internet the businesses that welcome them, so I won't take my money there! Here is some interesting info courtesy of today's Free Press:
"Michigan law allows guns to be carried openly inside many community buildings, such as libraries, city halls and recreation centers. They are banned in the following: banks and credit unions, churches and other worship areas, courthouses, theaters, sport arenas, day-care centers, hospitals, bars, casinos and college dormitories and classrooms. (Exceptions: Those in charge can choose to allow guns in stores, restaurants, houses of worship and bars.).
I am willing to bet that there are more than 200 of us statewide that think this Open Carry thing is not just stupid but really, really dangerous. I could get shot, just like that, so could you. We need to be louder than them. If someone votes to allow guns to be carried anywhere that we the public go, than we need to vote them out and let them know that we will. Enough is enough, this is not the Wild Wild West, and there has been no war declared in Michigan as far as I know. I do not want to make the Open Carry people mad, because they have guns, they are legally allowed to walk around with them. I do, however, want to appeal to their humanness. I am a living, breathing being, I would like to remain that way and not be the victim of your errant shot. If you do not have an appointment with your worst enemy, at sundown, at the OK Corral, would you please leave your gun at home? Preferably unloaded and locked up. Thank you.
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