School is about to start and I am reading that for many parents this is quite a traumatic experience. It doesn't seem to matter what grade the child is in, parents, moms especially are having a hard time saying goodbye whether the student is being left at college or will be returning home after their day of learning. Just last week I read about colleges needing to practically kick the parents out of their student's dorm room, and then not too subtly asking them to leave the campus and let the student be! In today's paper I read about a mom who is so overcome with sadness at the thought of saying goodbye to her elementary aged children, she has invented the Talkatoo. Now instead of little notes in lunch boxes, or a heart drawn on her little girl's hand, she can (and you can too if you buy the Talkatoo), leave a voice message on this little gadget the kid wears around the neck. When little Johnny or Susie gets homesick during the school day they can listen to the love message from home and not feel so sad! Geeeesh! I don't get it. When I put my first child on the bus to kindergarten I did the happy dance all the way back home. Did I not love my son? Of course I did, and I had just sent him off on a great adventure, school. He had been waiting a long time for this day and I had too. I still had two little ones at home so did those two and one-half hours drag by? Hell no, before I turned around three times we were all walking back to the bus stop to get the little guy. Did he ever cry in the morning or seem to not want to go to school? No, not until he got to high school and he couldn't get out of bed in the morning. When I finally had all three in school, what a glorious time. Did I think about them throughout the day? Of course, but I went about what I had planned and left their fate in God's good hands. In fact I wrote a poem about it.
I watch you walk down the street
on your way into your day.
I smile as you skip along
silently asking God to keep you strong.
May you learn all that will be taught
let know one break your trusting heart.
May you laugh and play
treat others in a way that will enable them to call you, friend.
I go about what I have planned
hoping someone lends you a helping hand
should you be in need of one.
Or may you give the aid if that is what needs to be done.
Then from this journey you return.
Silently I thank the Lord for bringing you home
safe and happy
and a little more grown.
My granddaughter has a little bible book and when she looks through it and gets to a certain page, you'll hear her say in deep voice, "Let my people go!" It's so cute because she is only 2 and 1/2. This is good advice for parents of children, (no matter what age they are), who are heading off to school; "Let your children go!"
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