Monday, September 6, 2010

It's been awhile

So it's been a while since I have been able to blog or have had anything I especially wanted to blog about.  I only want to say this tonight; if you have someone, hold on.  If you miss someone, weep and then move on.  If you are in pain and alone, pray and then get strong.  If you are angry, know that you must shed the feeling and find peace, blame will not heal you.  If you are confused, talk to someone.  If you are lost, then you really must stop and think about just where home is.  Once you know where you need to be to feel whole, you must get there, even though the journey may not be easy.  I wish you love and peace in your life, tonight and always.



  1. Sometimes, all I want is to look back. Then, I choke because it's possible to drown in nostalgia. I guess that when we look at old photos or wander onto the playgrounds where we once played and explored, we are getting a glimpse of ourselves. But, it's not the self of yesterday; it is a romanticized one because...we were never that pure or that good. Thank you, Aunt Rosemary, for reminding me to look back in order to see clearly some path ahead.

  2. I love you Kathleen. And you know what? You kids all were that pure and that good!
