Sunday, January 31, 2010

Change of blog plans

I had two subjects that I was going to blog about tonight, both ideas coming from things I read in today's paper. Change of plans, and again, at first you might not get how this fits the "I Just Don't Get It" theme, but you will.  Tonight I want to dedicate this blog to my daughter-in-law, who just a short time ago lost a favorite uncle. 

Wrap your arms around Uncle Denny Lord, give him back the strength that was seeping out of him here on earth.  I understand he was quite the man, he had a wife and children, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, and he was loved by all.  It goes without saying that he loved them.  One of his last wishes was to see my grandchildren.  Aunt Ci Ci called Heather to let her know that Uncle Denny wanted to see her and the babies,   This man knew he had little time left and he wanted to see his niece and her kids, especially Braden who he had not yet met.  Heather was able to grant his wish, a few weeks ago they had their visit.  Heather has said that her Uncle was so good with kids, that he just loved babies.  So Uncle Denny, may you now be the angel that welcomes kids and babies into their heavenly home, wrap your arms around them, give them a kiss, and know that we get it, God called you to this.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Positive reviews

If you have read older posts you might have read the one where I mentioned that I had joined a couple of on-line writing sights.  So I wrote a poem for a contest and tonight I had two reviews, both very positive!  I am telling you, this is just so much fun, I don't get what took me so long.  I found out today that my niece has a blog where she writes about movies, television, art, and books; it is really good!  In case you want to check it out it is:  I am following it.  So what is it that you really want to do?  Do it.  You might think it is silly or frivolous and therefore a waste of time, but it isn't.  Your time is yours to do what makes you feel important and complete, so DO IT.  Remember the blog from the other day?  "You are what you do, and when you don't your not.  Are you or aren't you? 

Friday, January 29, 2010

It is happening again!

Infected computer again!  I don't get it and I am really mad.  I know I am not doing anything to invite the viruses into my computer.  My husband isn't and my son swears he isn't and I believe him.  I need someone to tell me how this is happening?  Don't respond by email though, because if I don't know you, I won't open it.  HELP HELP HELP!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just a thought.

Well it is another one of those nights folks, it has gotten late and I am out of steam.  So I will leave you with something a friend of mine quoted as a momism; "You are what you do and when you don't you're not."  Get it?  I do and I kind of like it, so thanks Patti for giving me my blog tonight.  I am what I do, and when I think I should be doing something else, I am not really who I am.  It isn't that you shouldn't think about doing other things, but what you really do, everyday, defines you.  So my advise is to do what you do well, whatever it is, because by doing it well you become a better you!  Sleep on it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Asian Carp

Apparently these fish are huge, have no predators, and may destroy the Great Lakes.  This is Michigan, right now we don't have a lot, but we still have our water.  There are some who want to wait and see if these Asian Carp will indeed prove to be the threat many, many, experts say they will be.  Wait and see?  That's like standing next to a burning bush and saying, "Let's wait and see if the fire reaches the house, then when the flames attack the front door we will throw a bucket of water at it."  Too little too late as the saying goes, once the flames get to the door, a bucket of water just won't do.  I don't get it, do you?  If we know the damage these fish can do, why would anyone want Michigan to do nothing, or not do enough until it is too late?

Got this website from a friend, please visit it, but ignore that it has Ted Nugent on it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Come back tomorrow

I didn't know what I was going to blog about tonight, now I do but it is late, well late for me.  So come back tomorrow and I will tell you what I think about....

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Little Poem

Corporate leaders want engineers not artists, thinkers, or music makers.
Corporate leaders want lots of workers, a dime a dozen if you please.
Corporate leaders are really tired of having to hire the Japanese!
Corporate leaders got real tight with Georgie Bush one long ago night,
they convinced him we would be better off,
if we raised our standards and all that stuff.
Then those who like to make those tests, said to this "YES, YES, YES!"
From there we got NCLB and MME and now MMC!
Basically what Corporate said is make everyone learn the same
and if everyone can't learn the same,
the teachers and the schools are to blame!
People who like data, like to use it to compare,
and sadly the US often doesn't fair as well as other lands,
but I wonder how it can when in our land,
we let all of our children come inside our schools
and don't decide at eight or nine if they have all of the right tools
to go on to secondary school!
We are America, and I am proud of that,
I am proud that we give everyone a chance to be who they can be,
but this is changing rapidly.
Soon, if things continue,
there will be no artists, no thinkers, no music makers
because the corporate world has no need for these,
they need engineers if your please!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Toddlers and Tiaras

So you have a little one and you think this darling is just that, a little darling.  So you decide to do the pageant thing.  Why?  Well because you may win some money, your child may become the next supermodel, your child may be in pictures!  If what I have just read in the paper is true, most of the little darlings don't enjoy this experience one darn bit.  In fact, they are not just not enjoying it, they are in distress and the adults around them are forcing them to continue this painful experience.  The adults around them are abusing them.  At first I thought It was just the parents who should be arrested for child abuse, but then I realized that there are many adults who are allowing this situation to take place, and they are also guilty of child abuse.  Someone thought up the concept of this horrible show, there are many people working on bringing this show to TV, every single one of them are guilty of child abuse.  How can any of the people involved in this show watch mothers force their toddlers to get made up, get dressed up, get up on stage and act in ways that no toddler should act, and think it is alright?  I just don't get it.  I may watch this show just so I can see who is advertising so I can write about how they are contributing to this form of child abuse, and make no mistake, it is abuse and everyone involved is guilty.  We owe children more.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Where did the playpen go?  I used one once my babies were mobile just to keep them safe if I had to leave the room for any length of time, like to go to the bathroom or change a load of laundry.  I don't get why playpens got a bad rap.  If the mom who tied her one-year-old to a chair with an apron to keep her "safe", while she ran her a bath, had had one, then the little girl wouldn't be in critical condition because she almost strangled herself trying to get free.  Seriously, this is true.  I loved the playpen, and my kids did not mind it either, it was full of toys and books and they could have a good time in this playland for a short amount of time.  I think a playpen is a far better way to keep a kid put, then tying him to a chair, don't you?  If there was no safe place to leave the toddler, why didn't the mom just take her little girl to the bathroom with her to ready the bath, or put her in her crib?  I don't get it.  I am praying for the little girl and her mother, I hope both will be alright.

Friday, January 22, 2010

missed one

Darn!  I missed a day of blogging and I don't get why.  I wasn't out, I wasn't tired, I guess I just let the time get away from me and when it was time for bed, I went!  Oh well, mistakes are made by us all and that's that.  I like the saying, "It is okay to make a mistake, just don't make the same one twice."  So now I have really challenged myself, I can't miss another day!  I don't get why I just did that!  Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I don't get how one new person in the senate can completely destroy the opportunity to have health care for all, I really really don't.  If you can explain this to me, I invite you too.  I do get that the health care reform was a work in progress with much work still to do, but now it seems that all that has been done will be flushed down the toilet, because the Republicans won!  I don't understand the fight and I wish those who want to continue to try to "win", would just go away.  That's all I have to say.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


GNO = girls night out.  I only know this because it was on my daughter-in-laws Facebook page, anyway, this is for the girls.  I don't get why we skipped February for our next get together and went to March.  We can keep March a couples night, but why don't we pick a date in February to meet again?  Tonight was really fun, just like when I met with my co-workers last week, the laughs were flowing!   So if, my dear old friends, you are reading this, don't stop here go to the beginning and catch up.  I don't get a lot of things, but I do get why you are my friends.  Night.

Monday, January 18, 2010

American Idol

I watched American Idol the other night because I like it in the beginning when the really awful ones who think they are good are on.  The last "contestant" was a non-contestant because he was too old, but he was great!  He sang; "Get your pants up off the ground.  Get the gold out of your mouth and turn your hat around.  You look like a fool with your pants down on the ground, so get your pants up off the ground!"  I loved it.  I laughed like hell, and I thought I want everyone to sing that at school tomorrow.  I told people about it and it has been on my mind, so when I saw an article about the singer in the paper today, I thought great, maybe this will become a mantra and the look will finally go away!  The singer is Larry Platt and he was a civil right's worker and knew Dr. Martin Luther King (so what an appropriate blog today).  He doesn't like the look and neither do I.  I don't get it, and I tell the kids all the time.  I am very honest and let them know that the saggy, saggy, pants look, and they are getting saggier, is not a way to show people how intelligent you are because it just screams STUPID!  So now I hope there is a chance that this fad will indeed fade away.  Then we can tackle the young women who walk around with their breasts pouring out of their tops.  I try to tell kids that school is their job, and would you dress like that for work?  I guess it depends on your occupation, our young people, and their parents, really need to get it.   

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I must

I must write something.  I just want to sit down on the couch and veg because it has been a weekend with the babies and I am exhausted!  I thought the paper today would again supply topics for this blog, but you know what?  I am tired of politics, religion, and insanity, so I am not going to write about all that I don't get.  Instead I am going to just say this; I love that I have what I have, can do what I can do, and I know that I am blessed. 

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Things are good

I guess tonight, what I don't get is how God chooses.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Okay, this is just way beyond my understanding.  Thursday's paper has an article titled; "Is Obama meddling with Mich. politics?"  First of all "Obama" is the president of the United States of America, and a newspaper in the United States of America does not have enough respect for the office of the presidency to title the article; " Is President Obama meddling with Mich. politics?"  Then at the end the article states; " Meanwhile the daily buzz over who's in and who's out of the Democratic race continued Wednesday, even among Republicans who say they're enjoying the disarray in the enemy camp."  The enemy camp?  Really"  I am absolutely appalled.  I don't know what to say, but I know this isn't right.  This is not how our forefathers saw the system of democracy that they fought for, they would be ashamed.  And "the right to bear arms" I am quite sure was not intended to allow any Tom, Dick or Harry to carry a concealed weapon!  This is in today's paper, that something like 220,000 people in Michigan, have permits to carry a concealed weapon!  And do you know why many of these 220,000 people in Michigan, want to have a concealed weapon?  Because they have the right to!  Well, holy cow, I have the right to eat until I vomit.  I also have the right to say hello to people I pass on the street and to smile at them.  I have the right to offer a helping hand if I am so inclined, and I have the right to say that any person who wants to carry a concealed weapon because they have the right to, is not a person I want to ever be in the same room with because they are an idiot!  I do not get it at all.  Good night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Laughter really is the best medicine.  After work I met friends, who are also co-workers, for drinks and dinner and oh how we laughed!  It was the kind of laughter that never subsides because just as we were settling down from one story, another was being told.  And it was the kind of laughter that blocks out all those around you, so we weren't looking around feeling embarrassed, and we weren't trying to stifle the laughter.  We were not being obnoxious, but we were having fun.  I couldn't even tell you now everything we talked and laughed about, but I still feel really good.  I don't understand people who don't want to laugh, who refuse to find the humor in a situation, or think everything should be so serious.  Sometimes dumb things are really funny!  Sometimes a difficult situation is, when you step back from it, really kind of funny.  So I wish you laughter, even at the most difficult times, may something make you smile, and if times are really very bad, when you can laugh again know it will be a beautiful song that those who love you will be longing to hear. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My lucky number

Day 13 and 13 is my lucky number, so why can't I think of anything to write?  I don't get where my passion has gone but it has just drained out of me.  This must be what it is like when writers have a deadline to meet, or an author has that last chapter to write and inspiration has vanished!  It is not a good feeling.  But I promised myself that I would blog everyday so I will blog about how I have nothing to say.  I received an invitation today for a Tupperware party that is tonight, don't get it.  I watched Sarah Palin on Fox News, really don't get it.  Had professional development after school today and it was all about stuff that I don't do in my job, don't get it.  Oh, watched American Idol last night and Victoria Beckham was a guest judge, really don't get it!  That's about all I have and I just don't get it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A quick list

I thought I would do a quick list of things I don't get:  why anyone likes Sarah Palin, why anyone doesn't like Ellen DeGeneres, why anyone thinks a commercial with family members using the television remote as a weapon to keep each other from changing the channel is appropriate, why each member of the family has their own remote,  why anyone is surprised that it snows a lot and is very cold in Michigan in the wintertime, Oprah, why anyone ever watched Jon and Kate plus eight, why anyone cares about Jon or Kate now, why anyone even knows who Jon and Kate are, Oprah.  Okay the list could go on and on and on, but I got word that a student of mine from long ago has passed away, and I am waiting for more information, so I don't get why I am even doing this.  Good night.

Monday, January 11, 2010

On second thought

After posting my blog tonight I had time to think about it, and I thought maybe between yesterday and today it is a bit much.  I was getting ready to write something about how I would be less opinionated, then I reread from the beginning and realized that my point was to write about all of the things that I just don't get.  So that is what I am going to do.  I do however have a story that I don't understand how to get published and it needs illustrations, so I might subject you to it.

This will be short.

I didn't know what I was going to blog about today, I mean yesterday's was so long and heavy I felt compelled to be short and sweet today.  I had a very busy day at work, and since I have been home I have been occupied by many tasks left undone over the weekend, so I have not had time to dwell upon that which I don't understand.  Then I read the paper.  Did you know that in China, instead of using lead in products, cadmium is now being used?  This chemical is even more toxic than lead and is a known carcinogen.  It is being used in children's jewelry and retailers that are selling the merchandise include Walmart and Claires.  I am not making this up, the information can be found in today's Free Press.  I don't frequent Walmart, but I have purchased items there, never again.  I have also been in Claire's, won't happen again.  I can read labels and if it says "made in China" I won't buy it.  I don't get a lot of things here, and I don't believe anyone could make me understand.  I think tomorrow I will write a poem!  Have a great night.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So much I don't get!

My mind is teeming with ideas to writer about, the Sunday paper is fodder for blogging about things that are beyond my understanding.  So I am reading about a young woman with breast cancer and no insurance, fortunately her surgeon and the hospital are going to provide services without charge.  In this article, I am informed that Sen. Bob Nelson, D-Neb. has managed to get extra medicaid funds for his state in exchange for his support of the health care reform bills.  What?  The article states that this money he has managed to steal (my word), for his state is money that isn't going to go to patients like this young woman with breast cancer, and I can only wonder at how this is allowed to happen.  Bob, is health care reform something that will be good for the people of the United States?  Not the people of a certain faith, or color, or sexual orientation, or ethnicity, just the people, If you answer yes, then you vote for it.  If you do not think it is good for the people, not the people of a certain faith, or color, or sexual orientation, or ethnicity, just the people of the United States, then you don't vote for it.  You do not use it as a playing piece in a political game, shame on you and all of those like you.  Which brings me to my next rant, I am no longer a democrat, nor am I a republican, and I think it is time to put the two-party system to bed.  All of the fighting that the two sides are doing is keeping anything productive or constructive from becoming reality.  Politicians today are like a bunch of adolescents who have reentered the egocentric phase of childhood.  They are playing a game that is endangering me every bit as much as the danger presented from those the government says are my enemies, and I just don't get it.  While reading the Nation and World section which has headlines from around the world my eyes fell on this from Hong Kong "Acid Attack on crowd injures 15."  Someone dropped  a bottle of acid into a crowd in a densely populated shopping area.  What?  Why would anyone do that?  Were they laughing as they ran away?  What happens in a young person's life to turn him into a monster with no regard for the well being of others?  Unfortunately our government is loaded with decision makers every bit as destructive as the acid throwers, they are destroying this country with their own kind of poison, a self-righteous attitude, monetary greed, and the need to keep getting re-elected because they like the life they live.  It doesn't matter if they are democrats or republicans, they are looking out for their own self interests, they are not looking out for me.  On a lighter note from the entertainment section; J. Lo wonders why the academy members didn't see the movie she made with her husband in 2007 that she thought should have earned her an Oscar nod, and Miley Cryus wants everyone to know that her job is not to tell kids how to behave, and her behavior shouldn't influence them, she is after all not a parent, she is a role model!  Oh boy, does anyone get it?  Sorry for the length, if you stuck with it thanks.  Really didn't know where this one would go, but I do feel better.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


It happened today and I was so frustrated!  My computer was hijacked by something called "Desktop Defender 2010."  It kept telling me my computer was sending spam and I was going to be arrested so I had to get... da da da da..."Desktop Defender 2010!"  I couldn't get the screen to go away, if I clicked on "activate", it sent me to a page with articles about Desktop Defender being a virus but no help in how to eject it from my computer!  I do not deal well with things like this, so I called my brother who came to my rescue.  It took him the entire day to rid my computer of...da da da da..."Desktop Defender 2010", and now I am safe from being hauled away in handcuffs for unknowingly sending spam to my friends and family.  I make light of this now, but it really was quite serious and my computer was very close to needing major surgery which would have been time consuming and costly, so who does this to people?  I don't get why anyone would send, via e-mail or a web-page, a virus or spam or whatever it is, that could destroy someone's computer.  What is the motivation? what kind of sick person just wants to do something mean and destructive to people unknown?  I guess I was raised right, because purposely trying to cause harm to someone or trying to destroy something just isn't in me, but I am not above saying, may those that do get theirs too!

Friday, January 8, 2010


We don't have a snow blower.  Our neighbor two doors down to our right does, and our neighbor on our left does, and they snow blow when we have a dusting.  So, that being said I don't get why they simply don't snow blow the snow off of our front walk.  This morning as I was cleaning off my car, my neighbor to the right was snow blowing in front of his house and he did the next door neighbor's front walk, but he stopped at the end of their drive and did not venture into our territory.  Now we have been neighbors for 23 years, our children were friends and we still nod and say hello to each other.  When I saw that he had no intention of going beyond the drive of the house between us with his machine I thought, well that's not very neighborly, then I left for work.  When I came home I could see that the other neighbor, who we are friendly with, had used his snow blower on his front walk and ours was clear, but it just wasn't quite as perfect so I knew John had had to shovel it.  Now neither of these neighbors has any obligation to clear our sidewalk of snow, John is perfectly capable of shoveling and we have a grown son living at home who knows how to man a shovel, but geez if you are out doing your walk and you know your neighbor will have to use a shovel, and he is not a man in his 20's 30's 40's or 50's, why not walk a few more steps and blow the damn snow away?  I would, I would do the whole block!  I just know the two neighbor "men" were thinking, "why doesn't he buy a snow blower?  I'm not going to clear his sidewalk because he's too cheap to by a snow blower."  I don't know, but I just don't get it, what happened to looking out for each other and lending a hand?  Am I wrong?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So now in Michigan to graduate from high school every student must have 4 credits of math including Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2, and must take a math in their senior year.  Legislation passed in the state senate reads like this:  4 credits of math including Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 and a math senior year which can include repeating Algebra 2.  I don't get it because if you fail Algebra 2 the first time, which would be the only reason I can think of to take Algebra 2 again, then you did not get the credit, so repeating the class your senior year still only gives you three credits of math, which means you don't graduate.  If  you pass Algebra 2, why would you take it again?  So I thought about this; maybe you want to improve  your grade for future success?  Unlikely because if it was that hard the first time, and you squeaked by with a D-,you are not going to subject yourself to that torture again.  Then it dawned on me!  What are the choices for math in your senior year if you took the sequence as the uneducated politicians think all students should?  Really hard stuff!  So if you really struggled but made it through Algebra 2, now the state will allow you to repeat that struggle because the alternative is to take something even harder that you probably won't pass!  And I thought they just didn't get it!  Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I said I would write something everyday, but tonight I am tired.  I had random thoughts that I thought I might write about:  people drive too fast and without regard to the safety of others and also without regard to their own passengers who are probably loved ones, don't get it.  That's all I have in me tonight.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I don't get why it took me so long to get back to my yoga.  I used to go one night a week and I loved how it made me feel.  I do a 20 minute yoga tape every morning and it definitely gets me going, but it isn't the same as a good stretch at the end of a long day!  I have not been to a yoga class for over two years, and after going tonight I just don't understand why I let that time for me go.  The rhythm and flow of the movements bring a feeling of balance and energy, the stretching of the spine opens up the heart and you feel the life in you, holding the poses brings confidence and contentment and the final relaxation just brings such peace and calm.  I can't wait to go again!  Namaste.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Out on a limb

I am about to go out on a limb.  If you are reading this you are probably a family member or a friend who I have e-mailed the web address to.  Start at the beginning, you need to click on older posts to get the first one, and read the first post first and work your way here.

So, this is what I wanted to share with you.  My intention is to write about one thing every day that I just don't get and you are welcome to comment, but be nice.  Also feel free to pass along the address to my blog, I really want to see where this may go.  I have been wanting to do this for a very long time, but fear has kept me from venturing into this brave new world of communication.  I just like to write so I am going to.

Driving in to work

When I got up this morning, very early, it was not snowing.  When I left for work about an hour and a half later, fresh snow had fallen.  I carefully made my way down the sidewalk to my car and got in.  I was able to clear the snow off the windshield just using the wipers, yet I knew the roads would be slick.  I backed carefully out of the drive and proceeded cautiously down the street.  As I was driving, more slowly than usual, I listened to the traffic report on the radio, and the announcer was giving information regarding all of the spin-outs and accidents that had occurred on almost every major road and highway.  Guess what?  I just don't get it.  Oh the weather outside is frightful, so slow down and be insightful, when you have somewhere to go, just go slow, just go slow, just go slow.  Thanks!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


You probably don't get how a poem I wrote fits this blog description, but it is my blog so I can do what I want.  That being said, let me explain.  I joined a couple of writing groups on-line and when I went on one of them today there was a contest for a poem using the following words: bleeds - bully - cheating - heart - ocean - sad - scum - shock.  The deadline was today so I gave it a minute's thought and then wrote a poem.  I was bound and determined to write something today that others might actually read, so when I hit submit and found out that the contest deadline was at 2:02 today, I was very disheartened.  So I have decided to post it here because for a poem that took about three minutes to write I think it is pretty good.  And as I said, I was determined to "publish" something today, so here it is and if you want to tell me what you think go ahead.

When the ocean is rolling
like a bully making his way
across the school playground
my heart beats quickly
and I long to be upon it.

But when the sea is still
and the scum that settles as foam
needs to be stripped
I feel alone and sad
and think I am cheating death.

Because I am ready to go
the shock of the word "cancer"
has long ago worn off
and as life bleeds out of me
I long to be enveloped by an angel's wings.


In the paper

Read this quote by one of the co-hosts of "The 9", a show I have never heard of, "I think no matter who you are, how old you are or what he has done in the past - everyone became a Michael Jackson fan."  Um, no.  And this co-host added that Michael Jackson's death is "absolutely the biggest story of the year, if not the decade."  I just don't get it, does anyone really think that?  The newspaper posted some responses to the following question which was posted on a blog, "What was the biggest mistake your parents made in raising you?"  Here is one local mom's response: "They should of made me go to college right after high school."  Should of?  And she thought she was ready for college?  Really?  And finally, today's newspaper lists some unsolved crimes committed in the city of Detroit; a 19-year-old was gunned done for his Cartier glasses, a 17-year-old was shot and killed when he wouldn't hand over his diamond cross necklace to thieves, an 18-year-old was shot ten times by intruders, and a 19 and 22-year-old were shot and killed in a botched carjacking.  And there are people who think everyone has the right to own a handgun?  I just don't get it.  And as an afterthought, I don't get how an 18-year-old could afford Cartier glasses or how a 17-year-old could afford a diamond necklace.  According to the paper, both of these kids were students and working part-time jobs, so what is the appeal of the diamonds and the name brand, I really don't get it!  Feel free to enlighten me.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

One More Thing

I just thought of one more thing I don't get, does anyone really think it is safe to text while driving?  And if you are smart enough to understand that texting while driving is a very dangerous thing to do, why would you do it anyway?  It is one thing to do something that is dangerous where only you could get hurt, but when the act could and will very likely cause harm to come to others, then your selfishness becomes criminal, and I don't get why that is okay with anyone.  Anyone?  Anyone?

New Name

I don't get why I didn't want to use my real name in my posts.  I used the name Ellen Bennett for my web address and Mary Ellen for my identity, but I have decided to be the real me!  Here are a couple of other things I don't get:  Paris Hilton, Sara Jessica Parker, and Carrie Underwood.  Paris and Sara Jessica and both too skinny to be sexy and really neither one is very pretty, and Carrie can't sing, she can scream, but she can't sing, so I don't get the appeal.  Anyone who does is welcome to explain it to me.  Thanks.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Still the first day of the new year

I don't get how anyone finds these things.  How will anything I write ever be read?  I have much work to do if I am going to be a successful blogger, but at least I have gotten started and that was my goal today.  I don't get why this is all so hard for me to understand, I am pretty smart, but this eludes me. 
Mary Ellen

The New Year

I promised myself that I would start a blog, and the first day is beginning to get away from me, and I have not done anything.  What am I so afraid of?  I just want to be able to admit that I am confused about things and perhaps get clarification; so I am going to start with something I thought of just yesterday as I passed the TV and caught what was on that no one in my home was watching, ( you see we just leave the TV on, and no I don't get that either).  Who is Steve Wilkos and how did he ever get his own talk show?  And while I am on the subject of talk shows, does anyone still watch Maury Povich tell mostly young uneducated males "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!" ?  I just don't get it so if you do please feel free to explain.  Thanks.