With all due respect, let me tell you why your plan to get Michigan working and growing again is skewed. Your plan asks those of us who have been sacrificing for quite a while now, to take another hit. Many of the people you are targeting, and you are targeting us, have spouses who have been laid off, so we are the sole support; cutting our wages, or toying with our benefits will get Michigan working and growing again? I encourage you to elaborate, please give me concrete details that will explain how. I am a school teacher. I make a wage that requires me to think about how I spend my money. When I was raising my family it was important to budget, and now that my spouse is retired, budgeting is still very much a part of our life. We do not live elaborately, but we do live comfortably. I should be okay with not living comfortably when I have done everything the government is telling students today to do; excel in high school, go to college, get a job, continue your education, and work really hard? I have paid taxes all of my working life, as has my husband. We have paid a lot of taxes. The people who run the government have not always made smart decisions with how taxpayers' money should be spent. I'm sorry Governor Snyder, I am focused on what went wrong, and I am not willing to let you, a very wealthy man, tell me that I should not focus on who is to blame for the mess Michigan is in, and just start looking to the future! You are determining a very bleak future for me. Of course reducing health care benefits for public employees is huge in your plan, could you please start with all of those legislators who no longer work for the government but continue to receive free health care even if they only worked for six years? Do you not recognize that what you are proposing, these reforms that you have said will be painful, will not be painful for you and yours? These reforms will not be painful for many of our elected officials because they are not dependent on only their government salary and expense account, yet they will vote to drastically alter my life. You and your buddies in the house and the senate will not be taking the hit, people like me will. Now here's what you don't get; cut my pay, reduce my health benefits, and I won't be spending any money! How exactly is that helping the economy? It makes me sick just to think about it, but now I won't be able to afford to go to the doctor in time to save my life, so I will die and then I will be just one more working American that my government didn't care about at all.
Yes I Am... This is the new name for my blog because it is the name of my new business. Yes I Am... starting a new endeavor because, well, because I just am!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Random Thoughts
Well Happy Birthday to me, and here's a little potpourri of I don't gets;
1. Sarah Palin went to Haiti on a humanitarian trip and stated "I've really enjoyed meeting this community...They are so full of joy." What? The people of Haiti are dirt poor, are in the midst of a cholera epidemic, are still reeling from the earthquake of one year ago, and are immersed in violence due to rioting. What about this looked like joy to her?
2. Prayer vigils by the people of Detroit for Aretha Franklin; people, pray she pays her taxes so you can have the services you deserve. Just what exactly has Aretha done lately for the city and the people who are rallying around her?
3. Mike Bishop said on many days in the Senate he felt his leadership was merely to stop policy proposals initiated by the governor and House. He then stated that he knows Governor Granholm didn't cause all of Michigan's problems but he doesn't think she ever developed a relationship with the Legislature. What? Let's see, I want to try and have a relationship with a group of people who I need to work with, but at every attempt this group's leader says NO! Relationships take two, two sides working in tandem Mike. But Mike doesn't get this.
4. Dan Akerson wants execs' pay rules eased. He is worried about losing top talent to other companies. So just forget about the guidelines that were put in place when the government gave GM the money that saved them, and just go back to doing what you were doing and let it happen all over again. Apparently he makes $9 million, but walked away from much more because he WANTED to work for GM, and he says "There's more to life than money." Does anyone else see the contradiction in all of this? Oh, and I just love when the filthy rich talk about how money is so unimportant! The reason there is more to their life than money is because they have the money to have a nice life! Idiots.
5. Mattel has created "Barbie Video Girl." The Barbie doll has an LCD screen on its back and shoots video through a lens hidden in the doll's necklace. Why?
So that's it for tonight. Happy Birthday to me.
1. Sarah Palin went to Haiti on a humanitarian trip and stated "I've really enjoyed meeting this community...They are so full of joy." What? The people of Haiti are dirt poor, are in the midst of a cholera epidemic, are still reeling from the earthquake of one year ago, and are immersed in violence due to rioting. What about this looked like joy to her?
2. Prayer vigils by the people of Detroit for Aretha Franklin; people, pray she pays her taxes so you can have the services you deserve. Just what exactly has Aretha done lately for the city and the people who are rallying around her?
3. Mike Bishop said on many days in the Senate he felt his leadership was merely to stop policy proposals initiated by the governor and House. He then stated that he knows Governor Granholm didn't cause all of Michigan's problems but he doesn't think she ever developed a relationship with the Legislature. What? Let's see, I want to try and have a relationship with a group of people who I need to work with, but at every attempt this group's leader says NO! Relationships take two, two sides working in tandem Mike. But Mike doesn't get this.
4. Dan Akerson wants execs' pay rules eased. He is worried about losing top talent to other companies. So just forget about the guidelines that were put in place when the government gave GM the money that saved them, and just go back to doing what you were doing and let it happen all over again. Apparently he makes $9 million, but walked away from much more because he WANTED to work for GM, and he says "There's more to life than money." Does anyone else see the contradiction in all of this? Oh, and I just love when the filthy rich talk about how money is so unimportant! The reason there is more to their life than money is because they have the money to have a nice life! Idiots.
5. Mattel has created "Barbie Video Girl." The Barbie doll has an LCD screen on its back and shoots video through a lens hidden in the doll's necklace. Why?
So that's it for tonight. Happy Birthday to me.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Deficit Commission
According to the Our Editorial section in the Detroit News, this is what "attacking the deficit looks like:"
1. Higher Social Security retirement age. Now I ask you, who needs social security? Not the very wealthy, they have managed to squirrel away a large portion of their earnings for their retirement, at any age. No, social security is needed by those of us who are not wealthy. Those who have, would like those of us that do not, to work longer to get what we have been paying into all of our working lives. Perhaps we will die first from the stress of worrying about how we will manage when we can no longer work.
2. Reduce or eliminate the child care tax credit. Who does this hurt? Those who need to pay for child care so that they can go to work to pay for their home, their food, their utilities, oh and child care.
3. Reduce or eliminate the tax on mortgage interest. So here is another tax increase that those of us in the middle, and those less fortunate, will feel far more seriously than those in the higher tax brackets.
4. Hike the gasoline tax by 15%. Yes we will all pay the same for gas, but those with no financial worries will still gas up for pleasure trips, most of us will gas up to go to work and then park the car in the driveway, if lucky enough to have a driveway.
So let's see, put the burden on the elderly, work longer to be able to reap your rewards; and the young who are trying to make ends meet raising a family and keeping a home. The editorial states, "America has dug itself into a huge hole with runaway spending. Getting out will require widespread sacrifice." So I ask you, who's being asked to sacrifice? Oh, and I just love this paragraph, "The problem has gone way beyond what can be solved with simple adjustments. A serious deficit reduction plan will demand deep cuts in entitlement spending, (social security), and quite possibly some tax increase in places least likely to harm economic growth, (our mortgages).
Makes it sound so sane, but it's crazy because look who's paying? You are crazy if you don't get this.
1. Higher Social Security retirement age. Now I ask you, who needs social security? Not the very wealthy, they have managed to squirrel away a large portion of their earnings for their retirement, at any age. No, social security is needed by those of us who are not wealthy. Those who have, would like those of us that do not, to work longer to get what we have been paying into all of our working lives. Perhaps we will die first from the stress of worrying about how we will manage when we can no longer work.
2. Reduce or eliminate the child care tax credit. Who does this hurt? Those who need to pay for child care so that they can go to work to pay for their home, their food, their utilities, oh and child care.
3. Reduce or eliminate the tax on mortgage interest. So here is another tax increase that those of us in the middle, and those less fortunate, will feel far more seriously than those in the higher tax brackets.
4. Hike the gasoline tax by 15%. Yes we will all pay the same for gas, but those with no financial worries will still gas up for pleasure trips, most of us will gas up to go to work and then park the car in the driveway, if lucky enough to have a driveway.
So let's see, put the burden on the elderly, work longer to be able to reap your rewards; and the young who are trying to make ends meet raising a family and keeping a home. The editorial states, "America has dug itself into a huge hole with runaway spending. Getting out will require widespread sacrifice." So I ask you, who's being asked to sacrifice? Oh, and I just love this paragraph, "The problem has gone way beyond what can be solved with simple adjustments. A serious deficit reduction plan will demand deep cuts in entitlement spending, (social security), and quite possibly some tax increase in places least likely to harm economic growth, (our mortgages).
Makes it sound so sane, but it's crazy because look who's paying? You are crazy if you don't get this.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Right now life for many is not so good. Right now life for many is very, very good. I fall somewhere in between, and I am thankful for that. However, to state that I am thankful for what I have also assumes I shall continue to have what I have, unless I do something stupid or illegal to cause me to lose what I have. But that's not the way it is, and my life is about to change drastically if Sen. Bishop has his way and state employees' pay is cut by 5%. Then the district I am in might further cut my pay, and make me pay more for my benefits. I have done nothing but continue to work hard at my job, yet, since what I do is not valued, I am going to lose wages. Many of you who read this blog have family members who will also lose, I wonder why that doesn't bother you enough to support us in our fight to maintain the wage we now earn. When things were good in this land, we teachers we're told not to compare ourselves to the private sector, whose earnings where substantial. Now, things aren't so good and we are being told that we deserve no more than those who are in the private sector and have had their pay cut. (I need to thank a peer for this truth). The pay cut will not lower my out of pocket expenses necessary to my profession. Continuing education is costly and I need to continue to earn credits to renew my certificate. I am not complaining that I need to keep learning, I am only stating that I pay for the mandatory learning. And there are many other "voluntary" expenses that we spend on our job, like paper because the school always runs out of it before the year ends. If education is valued in this country, like those in politics say it is, then why are those of us who are "highly qualified" with Bachelor Degrees, and Master's Degrees, and passing grades on certification tests, and endorsements on our certificates not valued? If you have a job where you are secure, be thankful. If you have a job that puts you in the "wealthy" category, be thankful because the politicians want you to be happy because you are a financial asset to them. If you have a job you love that doesn't pay a lot, but you don't really need the money, be thankful. If you have a job where you are valued and are financially compensated, be thankful. Me? I'm thankful I have the opportunity to possibly reach people who will see that what is about to happen to teachers, is not right, and hopefully you will speak up for us, and your kids. There is a reason those in power want you to think public education is so very lacking, they would like to privatize education. The rich get richer and can afford to be more educated, so the wealthy continue to be powerful and in control. I didn't believe this for a long, long time, I do now. I would love things to continue as they were, I was very happy being part of the working middle class, but we are disappearing. Please, please begin to get this. What you have today, may very well be gone tomorrow, even those of you who think you have it pretty good. I thought I did.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Nolan Finley responded to me.
Truly, I got this response within minutes of sending my letter to Mr. Finley. He didn't even have enough time to think about it. Wow, you read that so fast, and responded so quickly, I can tell a good columnist from a bad one. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nolan Finley" To: "rose42benn@comcast.net" Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 8:04:08 PM Subject: Re: Pay grades Oh come on. Tell me you can't tell a good teacher from a poor one. From: rose42benn@comcast.net [mailto:rose42benn@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 08:02 PM To: Finley, Nolan Subject: Pay grades Hi Nolan, I address you this way because I want to be your friend, I mean why be adversarial? I also want to talk to you about merit pay for teachers. "There's nothing wrong with a teacher making more than $100,000 a year, as long as that paycheck is going to a top-notch instructor. How does one define a "top-notch instructor"? That really is the problem isn't it? You can't. Teaching is like no other profession. It changes every day. A teacher's job today, will have other demands tomorrow. Why? Well, because teachers deal with human beings. Teachers do not produce a product. Teachers do not sell a product. Teachers do not care about a product, they care about kids. The state legislators would like us to produce a product, a being that can pass state tests, and then who cares? Well, teachers do. The "Our Editorial" in Sunday's paper, says that "adopting a merit pay system for teachers would allow the very best to earn the pay they deserve. And it would encourage all teachers to strive to be the best." Here is what I see everyday, stressed out, burdened children. I guess I am not a very good instructor, deserving of merit pay, because I just want them to get through the day. I see very capable children, not able to cope because mom is sick. I'm not a very good instructor because I hug them, let them cry, and then say, let's get to work. I see children who can't access the curriculum demanded of them because, well, they just aren't very smart. Why? Well, because they just aren't very smart I try to make them smart but they can't keep up, so I hug them, let them cry, and then say , let's get to work. So if merit pay goes through, well, I'm screwed! The editorial stated that a better way to find cost savings is in teacher benefits. What I can't figure out is why teachers keep getting compared to the private sector. Teachers have at least four to five years of college under their belt, they have that degree that the state thinks all human beings should have. Then most teachers continue to strive for perfection and get a master's degree. Why is a Master's in Business Administration, worth more than a Master's in Education? So why can't teachers benefit? Perhaps you think I am rambling, so let me tie it all together; I have worked long and hard for many years, my students have succeeded, and now you think I should just sit back and watch what I thought I had earned, be taken away. Well, I am not going to do that.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mike Bishop's after us again
Wrote this to Sen. Bishop and tried to email it to him but got the message that that page could not be found when I hit submit, old email probably. Need him to read this though and you too. The article that precipitated this was in the Detroit News so I will be writing them too.
Hi Mike,
I have been in my school district long enough to be at the top of the pay scale for someone with a Master's Degree. I earn every penny I am paid. My day begins at 6:30 and ends, on most days, around 4:00. The actual school day is 7:13 until 2:10. I get to school early so that students who need to see me for help can, I stay late because there is not enough time in the school day to get all of my work done, and I am very efficient. I have students who come for help at lunch, so I don't take my contractual forty minute non-working lunchtime. I deal with angry parents, needy parents, and worried parents, who want to blame teachers for their child's inability to master all of the standards the state has declared necessary for all Michigan students to learn, even those with learning deficits. I have a fantastic work ethic, I am highly educated and I am worthy of respect. I have numerous expenses related to my profession; continuing education credits, fees to renew my certificate every five years, supplies for students who don't have what they need, lunch money for students who come to school with no lunch and no money, professional publications, conferences I choose to attend because they keep me updated on educational strategies, and on and on. Out of my pay, on top of the taxes we all pay, also comes union dues, and a new 3% tax to help pay health care benefits for someone else who will retire before me. I am giving money away! As for the nine month year and all holidays off, my husband worked for Ford Motor, he had all holidays off and five weeks of vacation, plus sick time and personal time off. He made more than me too, and he was not an executive. Oh and when he was "off" he was off, unlike teachers who normally have loads of work to do during summer break and all holiday breaks. You have it pretty nice by the way, I won't insult you by telling you what you make, what your health benefits are, and will be, and what your work year is, but it's a pretty nice job for that kind of pay.
Rosemary Schimmel
Hi Mike,
I have been in my school district long enough to be at the top of the pay scale for someone with a Master's Degree. I earn every penny I am paid. My day begins at 6:30 and ends, on most days, around 4:00. The actual school day is 7:13 until 2:10. I get to school early so that students who need to see me for help can, I stay late because there is not enough time in the school day to get all of my work done, and I am very efficient. I have students who come for help at lunch, so I don't take my contractual forty minute non-working lunchtime. I deal with angry parents, needy parents, and worried parents, who want to blame teachers for their child's inability to master all of the standards the state has declared necessary for all Michigan students to learn, even those with learning deficits. I have a fantastic work ethic, I am highly educated and I am worthy of respect. I have numerous expenses related to my profession; continuing education credits, fees to renew my certificate every five years, supplies for students who don't have what they need, lunch money for students who come to school with no lunch and no money, professional publications, conferences I choose to attend because they keep me updated on educational strategies, and on and on. Out of my pay, on top of the taxes we all pay, also comes union dues, and a new 3% tax to help pay health care benefits for someone else who will retire before me. I am giving money away! As for the nine month year and all holidays off, my husband worked for Ford Motor, he had all holidays off and five weeks of vacation, plus sick time and personal time off. He made more than me too, and he was not an executive. Oh and when he was "off" he was off, unlike teachers who normally have loads of work to do during summer break and all holiday breaks. You have it pretty nice by the way, I won't insult you by telling you what you make, what your health benefits are, and will be, and what your work year is, but it's a pretty nice job for that kind of pay.
Rosemary Schimmel
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sarah for President?
Sarah Palin believes that she could beat President Obama in 2012, and is seriously considering running. I was watching The Ed Show tonight and he asked this question to a media personality; Does Sarah Palin really believe that she could beat President Obama if she ran for the presidency? Unfortunately the respondent did not answer the direct question, instead she chuckled and said, "If she got the people who voted for Bristol Palin then yeah, but in the real world..." The question was "Does Sarah Palin believe she could beat President Obama in 2010?" and the answer is YES! And because she believes it, the people who voted for Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars, even though she is the worst dancer, will vote for her. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD, many people voted for Bristol Palin even though she is the worst dancer ever simply because she is the daughter of Sarah Palin, and many people will vote for Sarah Palin for president simply because she is Sarah Palin and they think she is God. So BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID. I am not writing this in jest, I am quite serious, Sarah Palin is like the Monkeys, (I am referring to the musical group popular in the 1970's), media made, not knowledgeable in her field so constantly improvising, and so in love with herself that she is deluded. The Monkeys thought they were good, they weren't; Sarah thinks she's president material, she's not. Why is she not presidential material? The same reason the Monkeys were not true musicians, SHE'S NOT REAL, SHE IS FABRICATED! Please get this.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Toyota Ad
It appears the people in charge of advertising for Toyota think parents here in America include their offspring in their car buying decision. I don't know about you, but growing up I do not recall my parents ever asking my opinion on the choice of vehicle they were thinking about buying. Here is probably how the decision was made; make - Ford of course because my father worked for the company; style - just big enough to comfortably hold a family of five; color - my mother and father picked between whatever was available on the lot; extras - none, if it wasn't included in the base price then it wasn't needed. According to the current advertisement for Toyota, just because you're a parent today doesn't mean you have to be lame, and your lameness is shown in your car buying choice. In the ad, this not so cute youngster is so pleased that he gets to climb into a Toyota Highlander while an older student is just so embarrassed that he is being picked up in a pea green station wagon (think Vacation). I am sure if my brothers or I ever showed our disdain for the car my parents drove they would have told us we could walk. Over the years, my husband and I have purchased and leased many cars, we never made our decision based on the opinions of our children. We bought/leased what we could afford, oh and always a Ford since my husband worked for the company! I don't get how the people who came up with this ad thought it was good, and I certainly don't get how the people who approved the ad thought it would sell their product. If parents today really cave to the pressure of their children to purchase a "cool" vehicle, then they really are lame. The worst thing about this ad is the idea that a youngster is so status conscious that he looks down on those who are not as fortunate as he, and that he has that amount of control over his parents. Think about it. What does an ad like this say about our society today?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I Don't Know What God Thinks
I don't know what God thinks. I know people who think they know what God thinks. I am a Catholic, and therefore I am supposed to know what God thinks, but I don't. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, and I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe in the Holy Trinity. I have been taught many things, but I don't know what God thinks. I am not sure why abortion is such a political siren. When did it become a platform for getting into office and why would anyone vote for candidates based solely on their views on abortion? God thinks about a lot, I think. I think that God wants us to care about the unborn, as well as the homeless, the unemployed, the hungry, the abused, the rich, the famous, the heathens and the believers. I think that God wants us to think. For those who want to repeal Roe vs Wade, you might think that it will only affect women and their right to have an abortion. I am afraid, if repealed, it will affect a woman's right to make a personal decision regarding her health. Just so you know, I can't imagine ending a pregnancy voluntarily, or advising someone I love to do that, but neither have I ever had to be a part of that decision. I believe the more we talk about abortion in the political arena the more those who don't value life, at any stage, feel vindicated to eradicate it at any stage. I truly believe that if abortion was left out of the political fire, there would be less of them because no one would be saying, "But it's my right." When there is all this fighting over just this one issue, and so much wrong with our world, I truly wonder what God is thinking.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Article in paper; "Tryst leads to girl's suicide"
A fourteen year old girl and an eighteen year old guy have sex. According to both of them it was consensual, she was anxious to lose her virginity and chose him. He was a neighbor and classmate. She first communicated with him on My Space and told him she thought he was cute. She also thought he was 15, he said he thought she was 16, or it never would have happened. She admitted to her mother that she had sex with this boy, the police got involved, he was charged with rape, everything became very public and ugly, she was taunted at school, she killed herself. These are the facts as I have read them, there is information missing, like who contacted the police and why, but it doesn't matter. Here is what I want to say about all of this. Sex is everywhere. It is in everything kids watch on TV and at the movie theater. It is in the popular books kids read, (or at least hear and talk about). It is in the music they listen to. It is in most every ad the see. It is in the video games they play and it is all over the internet. Why would anyone be surprised, or appalled that kids as young as fourteen are having sex? Why do we still have laws that make it illegal for an eighteen year old to have sex with a fourteen year old when everything about our society screams that sex in any way, everyday is okay? The fashions of the day expose a young girl's butt, thighs, and breasts to the point where I sometimes have to turn away as they walk down the halls, because you know what? I have seen it all, and I have seen too much. And the guys, well their pants are worn so low they have to hold on to their crotch to keep them from falling down, but hey, what's wrong with that? And they kiss and hug, and kiss and hug, and kiss and hug all day long, and no one says a thing, we adults just walk on by. Why? because it is so prevalent it is a battle the powers that be have chosen not to fight. And when we do mention that perhaps the dress is a bit provocative and not appropriate, that the behavior is more risque than we would like to see in a school setting, the parents flock in and say "Stop picking on my kid!" What went wrong here, according to what I have read, is that someone thought it was right to charge the boy with rape. Do I like the idea of an eighteen year old having sex with a fourteen year old? No. Do I like the idea that a fourteen year old wanted to lose her virginity? No. Do I think any of this is right? No. But you can't tell someone that what they did was wrong when every message sent to them every day tells them that what they did was exactly what was expected of them. The fourteen year old should not be dead, and she isn't dead because she had sex, she's dead because she didn't understand, neither do I.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What is the hardest thing you've ever done? Guess what? There's something harder. I really don't know what else I want to say about this because I can't begin to know how hard life can truly be. Sometimes my life is not all I want it to be, but it isn't hard. Sometimes my life is unhappy, but it isn't hard. Sometimes my life just really sucks, but it isn't hard. Hard means difficult to endure; it also means, cruel, oppressive and unjust. That's hard isn't it? What am I going through that is difficult to endure? Nothing. What am I going through that is cruel, oppressive or unjust? Nothing. My life is not hard. I do know how hard life is for others though, and I see how they rise beyond the expectations of even themselves. I believe in the adage that God does not give you anything that you can't handle, I believe it so much I have said, "God, I am not that strong." I am weak and afraid. I don't want to be given the opportunity to be strong. So when I see those who are given more than I could handle, and they are handling it with grace, I am shamed. If you love someone who is enduring something hard, I hope you will reach out to them because having the support of those you love when you are living with something that is cruel and unjust, just might get you through another day.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Reflection
With the end of the year fast approaching, I have begun to look back to the beginnings of this blog of mine. I believe it started off a bit lighter, there was more humor or a pretense of naivete to it. Did I get more serious or did the world in which I live become more serious? It was also a bit more personal, I think, in that my voice was on a more personal level. I started my blog because I love to write, I wanted to have a way to express my opinion, and I wanted others to read what I wrote, all good reasons. I am not sure what is has morphed to. Do I want my blog to become a political rant? Do I want to just emote? Am I looking for a soapbox, or am I just wanting to have others respond to real questions I have about this world we inhabit? I do know that the blog will continue because it brings me joy! I truly love when people comment, especially when they disagree, because it allows me to step back, think, and then defend my original opinion or alter my view, and that is a very good thing for all of us to do. Of course I also love affirmation! So I am going to keep writing and I hope you will keep reading. If you are someone who reads, thinks, and then doesn't comment, please consider letting your views be known. It is not difficult to be able to comment, and I love responding to the comments! A real dialogue is what I am after. So I will write, you will read, some of you will comment, I will respond, we will go back and forth, and we will grow. Isn't that great? I think I get it.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Now here is a real I don't get it. There is an article in today's Free Press about the need for Michigan to pass an anti-bullying law. This law would require all Michigan school districts to have an anti-bullying policy and to spell out what is appropriate student behavior and how bullying will be handled. Opponents like Gary Glenn, the leader of American Family Association-Michigan say the bill as it is written "promotes a homosexual agenda by creating a special protection for gays and lesbians. Here is how the bill, which failed the first time it was introduced, defines bullying; "As any act based on a pupil's actual or perceived religion, race, color, national origin, age,sex, sexual orientation, disability, height, weight, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or any other distinguishing characteristic, or is based on association with another person who has or is perceived to have any of these characteristics." I don't get how Glenn thinks this will create a special protection for gays and lesbians. I think it offers gays and lesbians the same protection as every other group the bill's writers have tried to cover. Doesn't Glenn think gays and lesbians should have the same protection against being bullied as any other group of students? He says, as does the senate floor leader Sen. Alan Cropsey, R-DeWitt, that this is enumerating and the bill should just state, "no bullying," because anyone whose enumerated would be treated differently. What? Here's what I think. Gary Glenn is hoping that by stating that the bill will "promote a homosexual agenda by creating a special protection for gays and lesbians," his followers will blindly believe this and continue to hate homosexuals. He, and those who think like him, don't care that all of our young people need to be protected from bullies, especially bullies who have reached adulthood.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Since it is Halloween time I thought I would post a very scary thought, courtesy of Todd Spencer of the Detroit Free Press. "Every Republican running has campaigned against the Democrat's health care bill and promised to repeal it. But with the Senate likely to remain in Democratic hands, that's not really an option. A GOP House would try to pass budgets starving the funding and personnel needed to put the measures in place." Why? So the failure can be blamed on President Obama and the Democrats and that won't be the case at all, however, it will go down in history that way, and that is mighty scary because it won't be the truth. What has happened to that? The truth I mean. We have become so immersed in the political game that we don't know what the truth is anymore, let alone who speaks it. You know what is even scarier? When we hear the truth, we simply refuse to believe it. Please do not respond with specifics of the health care bill, I am sure there are pieces of it that need tweaking, so why not tweak as opposed to dumping a well meaning initiative? My point is not the health care bill, my point is that I believe we live in a very scary time because there are two distinct parties and one land, and any way I look at that, it's frightening. Yes, there are two sides to every story, but the two side should be working towards the same ending, our sides our not. They both want to win and the truth of that is we are all going to lose.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Revisiting the Detroit blog
I feel the need to revisit my Detroit blog because rereading it, I don't like the way it sounds. I am not apologizing for the message because I still believe what I wrote has merit, but I didn't deliver it very eloquently. I did say that Detroit is a city filled with uneducated, drug dependent, unsupervised adolescents. Perhaps I should have said that Detroit is filled with young people with potential, but because the leaders are so ineffective they are left without the proper tools to become knowledgeable. The parents of many of the children in the city are themselves addicted to drugs, so where is the hope for the children of Detroit? They are left to fend for themselves, and drugs are easy to find and make you feel good for a time. Unfortunately they are also expensive, so now the addicted children need to find a way to pay for the drugs so they turn to a life of crime. I also said that the people of Detroit are killing each other daily. Perhaps I should have said that there is real fear among many people who live in the city because guns are so easy to come by and there is little protection for the innocent citizens trying to just get by and stay alive. I said the school system was the reason the entire state of Michigan has to answer to the Legislature for poor performance. Perhaps I should have said that the Detroit Public School System has needed an overhaul for a long time and a lot of money has been spent trying to do just that but the school board simply doesn't care about the children of Detroit, nor does the City Counsel.
I know that's old, but what's changed?
I said that there are no jobs in Detroit because there are too many people who don't want to work as their welfare checks pay for the things they need. Perhaps I should have said there are not jobs in Detroit because the city has yet to embrace a climate of professionalism, intelligence and a basic feeling of being safe and feeling welcomed.
I am not quite sure what this even means, but I don't see how it presents a good image of the city of Detroit. If I was a visitor from a foreign land wanting to check out Detroit and saw this video, I would run like hell in the opposite direction.
The blog I am re-blogging on came about because I read an article that quoted Mayor Bing as saying he wanted to be part of the renaissance of the city of Detroit, and that statement simply made me mad. A renaissance is a rebirth, a revival, according to the good old dictionary. It is the revival of classical art, literature, and learning. Too many leaders for too long have been talking about being part of the renaissance of Detroit. Why? Because it sounds good, but what exactly do they mean by it? For me, there is only one group of people that need to be targeted to make Detroit the city that will rise from the ashes, THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE THERE! Help them and you help Detroit.
And I do need to respond to my own mention of the Jalen Rose Academy that was mentioned in a response to a response to my blog. If Detroit wants to entice its young people to set their sights high, why, why, why name a charter school after a basketball player who along with his fellow "fab five" teammates "became pioneers in bringing "hip hop flavor" to the game with their trash talk, long baggy shorts, shaved heads, black shoes, and black socks?" I mean come on, aren't there black teachers, lawyers, doctors, journalists, authors, entrepreneurs, military officers, carpenters, electricians, financial advisers, presidents or other educated professionals who are deserving of being named as a person to aspire to? And if there aren't then maybe it's because for too long the children of Detroit thought the only thing they could become was a basketball player.
So my point was and is, if we don't start talking about the big 'ol elephant in the room, nothing is going to change in the city of Detroit.
I know that's old, but what's changed?
I said that there are no jobs in Detroit because there are too many people who don't want to work as their welfare checks pay for the things they need. Perhaps I should have said there are not jobs in Detroit because the city has yet to embrace a climate of professionalism, intelligence and a basic feeling of being safe and feeling welcomed.
I am not quite sure what this even means, but I don't see how it presents a good image of the city of Detroit. If I was a visitor from a foreign land wanting to check out Detroit and saw this video, I would run like hell in the opposite direction.
The blog I am re-blogging on came about because I read an article that quoted Mayor Bing as saying he wanted to be part of the renaissance of the city of Detroit, and that statement simply made me mad. A renaissance is a rebirth, a revival, according to the good old dictionary. It is the revival of classical art, literature, and learning. Too many leaders for too long have been talking about being part of the renaissance of Detroit. Why? Because it sounds good, but what exactly do they mean by it? For me, there is only one group of people that need to be targeted to make Detroit the city that will rise from the ashes, THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE THERE! Help them and you help Detroit.
And I do need to respond to my own mention of the Jalen Rose Academy that was mentioned in a response to a response to my blog. If Detroit wants to entice its young people to set their sights high, why, why, why name a charter school after a basketball player who along with his fellow "fab five" teammates "became pioneers in bringing "hip hop flavor" to the game with their trash talk, long baggy shorts, shaved heads, black shoes, and black socks?" I mean come on, aren't there black teachers, lawyers, doctors, journalists, authors, entrepreneurs, military officers, carpenters, electricians, financial advisers, presidents or other educated professionals who are deserving of being named as a person to aspire to? And if there aren't then maybe it's because for too long the children of Detroit thought the only thing they could become was a basketball player.
So my point was and is, if we don't start talking about the big 'ol elephant in the room, nothing is going to change in the city of Detroit.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
"I love this city. I love its people,...I want to be part of the renaissance of this city." Mayor Dave Bing in a speech to the Economic club as reported in the Free Press. This make me sick. The city of Detroit sucks. Stop pretending that Detroit can be major city of business or pleasure, contributing economically to the state of Michigan until we admit that it is a poor city filled with uneducated, drug dependent, unsupervised adolescents, criminal elements and welfare recipients who have no intention of changing. Because until those in power admit it, it won't change! People in Detroit kill each other daily. The school system is so bad the entire state of Michigan is suffering for it. There is no business section, no industry, no retail or manufacturing because no one wants to actually go to work because they can get their booze and dope without a paycheck. Detroit is dominated by a culture that needs to change form within. Bill Cosby has said it, but the leaders of Detroit still insist that if they were given more they could do more. STOP IT! And stop allowing the very people who should be caring about the welfare of this city to drag into the depths of Hell. Admit that there is so much to be done, so much that needs to change, that no one man or woman can do it. It will take a village so you better start rounding up neighborhood leaders and empowering them. Anyone in Detroit who is ready to blame anyone but themselves, get rid of them, because you know what? They don't care about Detroit, they care only about themselves and they are killing this city.
Monday, October 11, 2010
"...and no religion to." I never missed these words in the song, but I never quite understood what John Lennon meant. I do now. Money is not the root of all evil, religion is. I am not talking about faith, believing and loving your God, I am talking about using your religion to condone your hate. You are wrong if you cause others to break or to harm themselves. You are wrong if you think you are superior to another human being or that God or Jesus loves you more than another of his creatures. You are wrong if you tell your children that others are not as worthy as they are. You are wrong if in the name of God you tell another they cannot be who they are. You are wrong if you think that you belong to the one true faith and that believers of other doctrines are condemned to never see the face of God. Religion is the reason for most wars, and God is peaceful, so how does that make any sense? Religion is the reason for acts of torture and murder, and God is accepting and forgiving, so how does that make any sense? So many people today walk around and talk about knowing Jesus and being a Christian, and then they deliver their message, "If you are not just like me, you are not acceptable in God's eyes and I can hurt you." I don't get it. Oh and for anyone who doesn't know what precipitated this blog; there is nothing wrong with being Gay, but there is something very wrong with those who think they can cause a person who is gay any pain. So may I suggest that you get closer to your God and to Jesus, pray for the forgiveness that he will give you if you change your intolerant, hateful, and very non-Christian ways.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Pre-K Gap
Also in Neatoday, I read an article titled The Pre-K Gap - Our lack of quality schools for small children has big consequences. A quote from the article; "Developed countries differ markedly in the way they care for and educate young children, and in the extent of government support. These national policies have a significant impact on children's later success in school."
In this article I read some interesting facts based on data from Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMMS), like increased government spending for preschool pays off in higher fourth grade test scores in math and science (who would have thought?). In another study it was found that as preschool participation moves toward being universal, middle school test scores go up and inequality in test scores goes down.
The article states that high quality early care and education can improve children's long-term cognitive development and school success, but that here in the good ol' U. S. of A. one year in a part-time program (referring to Head Start), staffed by inadequately paid teachers with widely varying qualifications has little permanent impact on children's learning. I want to know why we had to do a "study" to find this out, I could have told them!
Here in America we do not do any of the fabulous things for our little ones, that so many other countries do. We don't provide universal preschool beginning at age 3 and support quality childcare for children under three as France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands do. We don't provide an unconditional right to full-day, full-year childcare from the end of paid parental leave through entry to elementary schools, as they do in Finland. We talk a lot here in America about this subject but we do very little, because nothing has changed. According to the article; the federal Head Start program was a wonderful idea in 1965, but it needs to be revamped. The teachers are underpaid, and there aren't enough really good ones (maybe because they are paid so little to do so much).
If our political leaders want our students to achieve like students in other developed countries are achieving, why don't they take a look at how these countries are taking care of and educating their children? And instead of cutting funds to schools and programs that take care of our children, why don't they get that quality costs, it just does.
In this article I read some interesting facts based on data from Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMMS), like increased government spending for preschool pays off in higher fourth grade test scores in math and science (who would have thought?). In another study it was found that as preschool participation moves toward being universal, middle school test scores go up and inequality in test scores goes down.
The article states that high quality early care and education can improve children's long-term cognitive development and school success, but that here in the good ol' U. S. of A. one year in a part-time program (referring to Head Start), staffed by inadequately paid teachers with widely varying qualifications has little permanent impact on children's learning. I want to know why we had to do a "study" to find this out, I could have told them!
Here in America we do not do any of the fabulous things for our little ones, that so many other countries do. We don't provide universal preschool beginning at age 3 and support quality childcare for children under three as France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands do. We don't provide an unconditional right to full-day, full-year childcare from the end of paid parental leave through entry to elementary schools, as they do in Finland. We talk a lot here in America about this subject but we do very little, because nothing has changed. According to the article; the federal Head Start program was a wonderful idea in 1965, but it needs to be revamped. The teachers are underpaid, and there aren't enough really good ones (maybe because they are paid so little to do so much).
If our political leaders want our students to achieve like students in other developed countries are achieving, why don't they take a look at how these countries are taking care of and educating their children? And instead of cutting funds to schools and programs that take care of our children, why don't they get that quality costs, it just does.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
They're Number One
In Neatoday I read that Finland is now number one in student achievement. It is important to note a few things before I go on, Finland was not succeeding educationally in the 1970's, so they have come from behind and it didn't happen overnight, it took a few decades for the country to get where they are today in the educational arena. I mention this because here in America, the legislature as well as the public want change to occur now so we fix everything. Instead, we need to slow down, step back and with real vision, plan a course for success, oh and here's an idea; incude teachers in the planning process. Finland did a remarkable thing, they spent money on education. They didn't cut funds, they SPENT MONEY to create a better educational system for the children of their country and this includes immigrants from such places as Afghanistan, Bosnia, India, Iran, Iraq, Serbia, Somalia, Turkey, Thailand and Vietnam. Here are some interesting ideas from Finland:
Here is what Finland has not adopted; standardization of curriculum enforced by frequent external tests, adoption of educational ideas from external sources, (like politicians!), and adoption of high-stakes accountability policies. Instead Finland has created a culture of diversity, trust and respect within their society and within the educational system.
Here are a few more differences that you might think are important: Finnish schools are generally small, fewer than 300 pupils with class sizes in the 20s and are uniformly well equipped! The notion of caring for students educationally and personally is a central principle in the schools. All students receive a free meal daily, as well as free health care.
All I hear our politicians say is "It's about the kids." Bullshit, it's about them getting reelected. Our leaders make educational decisions based on how they can save money but still make it look like they know what is best for kids, and they make decisions based on something someone else says that they then take completely out of context and run with. Here in America there is no plan! There is no vision and there is no caring about the kids! You really have to start understanding this, politicians today want one thing, to have a job and they will say anything to ensure that you will let them stay.
My next blog will continue this reality that in America, those in charge, really do not care about our young people.
- teachers receive three years of high-quality graduate preparation completely at the expense of the state
- a major overhaul of the curriculum and assessment system designed to ensure access to a thinking curriculum
- highly trained TEACHERS design curriculum around the very lean national standards
Here is what Finland has not adopted; standardization of curriculum enforced by frequent external tests, adoption of educational ideas from external sources, (like politicians!), and adoption of high-stakes accountability policies. Instead Finland has created a culture of diversity, trust and respect within their society and within the educational system.
Here are a few more differences that you might think are important: Finnish schools are generally small, fewer than 300 pupils with class sizes in the 20s and are uniformly well equipped! The notion of caring for students educationally and personally is a central principle in the schools. All students receive a free meal daily, as well as free health care.
All I hear our politicians say is "It's about the kids." Bullshit, it's about them getting reelected. Our leaders make educational decisions based on how they can save money but still make it look like they know what is best for kids, and they make decisions based on something someone else says that they then take completely out of context and run with. Here in America there is no plan! There is no vision and there is no caring about the kids! You really have to start understanding this, politicians today want one thing, to have a job and they will say anything to ensure that you will let them stay.
My next blog will continue this reality that in America, those in charge, really do not care about our young people.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So much for schools saving money
During the last school year, school districts all over Michigan, because of a state wide incentive, offered attractive buy-outs to the teachers at the top of the pay scale who were eligible to retire. In the district I am in the teachers who accepted the buy-out will receive a bonus of $30,000.00, I believe to be paid in three $10,000.00 installments, and an increase in their retirement benefits. Well if it saves the district money that can be used to benefit students and the teachers left to continue the educational journey of the students, then money well spent right? The idea was that the highest paid teachers would be gone and the openings created would be filled by teachers who would be paid the entry level salary, this would be a great savings to the district. In the district that I am in, about one hundred openings were created due to the buy-out, and because there are way more teachers than jobs, the district received five thousand applications! Now this district I am in does not pay steps to a teacher coming to the district, regardless of years taught elsewhere, and the district has been proud of this. I can't say that it has never happened, but it has been as rare as a steak fanned over the fire. BUT with 5000 applications for 100 job openings this district that I'm in paid steps to new hires! I can't say how many, but one is too many. I won't be convinced that with 5000 applications for 100 jobs that the district could not find very qualified teachers more than willing to come in at the entry level salary. If the candidate had a job elsewhere and felt he or she couldn't take a pay cut, then stay where you are, and if the candidate had been laid off, then something is better than nothing! I might not feel this way if things were different, but the buy-out was offered to SAVE MONEY, we are working without a contract right now, steps have not increased for a while, and the board is suggesting that we take a pay cut! I don't get it and I am really mad about it. I feel like I've been slapped in the face. The bottom line is, it's just wrong.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Education legislation smells
I am in Education and something about it really smells. Every time I turn around, I read about another proposal by the legislature or the department of education that simply is not good for students, no matter the age of the student. Recent legislation has done nothing to improve schools for kids, nor has it made higher education easier to access by those who are not financially secure, or extremely capable. Yet, all we hear is that everyone has to go to college if we are to compete in a "global economy". I would still like to know exactly what that catch phrase really means, I don't get it. It is a term someone threw out one day, that someone else latched on to and then more politicians began throwing it around because it sounds impressive, but what the hell does it really mean? Why does every American kid have to get a college degree for us to compete economically globally? Now I am reading about another "rule" that the department of ed wants to lay on us called "Gainful Employment" It sounds positive doesn't it? That's the game people in politics play, you have to be really good at marketing and advertising to remain in politics. What I have read about "Gainful Employment" is not good for students, not good for the job market, and I dare to say, not good for competing in a "global economy" where I would think you would want all people to have access to career options that would allow them to earn money to spend. So go to www.mycareercounts.org and see for yourself. If I am wrong about this not being a good thing, please enlighten me. If I am right that this "rule" simply is not in the best interest of society as a whole, but may very well benefit the wealthiest among us, who can afford to go to college for four, five or six years, and have the means to get private tutoring and maybe even bribe their way through life, then let me know that too. All I am seeing in legislation that has anything to do with education is that it is making it easier for those who have to get more, while those who don't never will, under the guise of "leaving no child behind", and making college a possibility for all. It's bullshit, and it's time someone said it, so I am. Oh and by the way Arne Duncan is the Secretary of Education, I have read his bio, and never saw, "classroom teacher" listed. I don't get it. I don't think any of the people in Lansing or Washington making decisions that affect education ever taught in a classroom, and worse when proposing things that have to do with educating the young people of this country they completely ignore educators and consult business people! They make it all sound right, but let me tell you, it is so very wrong what politicians are doing to students, the bottom line is the almighty dollar for them not your kids. Trust me, I'm in it, I see the results of the legislation every day, and it ain't pretty. Most teachers truly care about kids, most politicians care about getting reelected. Okay, I'm done now.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Once upon a time I was there and so were you. You don't remember, do you? Was I there? Were you? And what did we do, what did we talk about, how did we feel? You don't know do you? I don't either, because that was the time of innocence and that we have lost. We have moved from the land of opportunity and hope and dreams to the land of ugly and deception, and hate. We are here, every day, and we are not meeting each other at all. We are losing our goodness and our humanity because we have so much need. The neediest have no recourse and those with the most don't care at all. Most of us are stuck in the middle, are we here or there? When we used to be there, together, we talked about needs and took care of each other. We felt something for each other, we talked about the future with hope. Now we are here. I don't know where we are, what's happened to us?
Monday, September 6, 2010
It's been awhile
So it's been a while since I have been able to blog or have had anything I especially wanted to blog about. I only want to say this tonight; if you have someone, hold on. If you miss someone, weep and then move on. If you are in pain and alone, pray and then get strong. If you are angry, know that you must shed the feeling and find peace, blame will not heal you. If you are confused, talk to someone. If you are lost, then you really must stop and think about just where home is. Once you know where you need to be to feel whole, you must get there, even though the journey may not be easy. I wish you love and peace in your life, tonight and always.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The start of school and parents can't let them go!
School is about to start and I am reading that for many parents this is quite a traumatic experience. It doesn't seem to matter what grade the child is in, parents, moms especially are having a hard time saying goodbye whether the student is being left at college or will be returning home after their day of learning. Just last week I read about colleges needing to practically kick the parents out of their student's dorm room, and then not too subtly asking them to leave the campus and let the student be! In today's paper I read about a mom who is so overcome with sadness at the thought of saying goodbye to her elementary aged children, she has invented the Talkatoo. Now instead of little notes in lunch boxes, or a heart drawn on her little girl's hand, she can (and you can too if you buy the Talkatoo), leave a voice message on this little gadget the kid wears around the neck. When little Johnny or Susie gets homesick during the school day they can listen to the love message from home and not feel so sad! Geeeesh! I don't get it. When I put my first child on the bus to kindergarten I did the happy dance all the way back home. Did I not love my son? Of course I did, and I had just sent him off on a great adventure, school. He had been waiting a long time for this day and I had too. I still had two little ones at home so did those two and one-half hours drag by? Hell no, before I turned around three times we were all walking back to the bus stop to get the little guy. Did he ever cry in the morning or seem to not want to go to school? No, not until he got to high school and he couldn't get out of bed in the morning. When I finally had all three in school, what a glorious time. Did I think about them throughout the day? Of course, but I went about what I had planned and left their fate in God's good hands. In fact I wrote a poem about it.
I watch you walk down the street
on your way into your day.
I smile as you skip along
silently asking God to keep you strong.
May you learn all that will be taught
let know one break your trusting heart.
May you laugh and play
treat others in a way that will enable them to call you, friend.
I go about what I have planned
hoping someone lends you a helping hand
should you be in need of one.
Or may you give the aid if that is what needs to be done.
Then from this journey you return.
Silently I thank the Lord for bringing you home
safe and happy
and a little more grown.
My granddaughter has a little bible book and when she looks through it and gets to a certain page, you'll hear her say in deep voice, "Let my people go!" It's so cute because she is only 2 and 1/2. This is good advice for parents of children, (no matter what age they are), who are heading off to school; "Let your children go!"
I watch you walk down the street
on your way into your day.
I smile as you skip along
silently asking God to keep you strong.
May you learn all that will be taught
let know one break your trusting heart.
May you laugh and play
treat others in a way that will enable them to call you, friend.
I go about what I have planned
hoping someone lends you a helping hand
should you be in need of one.
Or may you give the aid if that is what needs to be done.
Then from this journey you return.
Silently I thank the Lord for bringing you home
safe and happy
and a little more grown.
My granddaughter has a little bible book and when she looks through it and gets to a certain page, you'll hear her say in deep voice, "Let my people go!" It's so cute because she is only 2 and 1/2. This is good advice for parents of children, (no matter what age they are), who are heading off to school; "Let your children go!"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Go Figure!
I guess I really do love my job; had to go in today and fix schedules, register a new student and take care of other business, and I feel rejuvinated! I am always so ready for the breaks that come throughout the year, and I do feel they are necessary to recharge, but I am always happy to get back to work. Maybe I just need the routine and also the feeling of accomplishment. There is only so much down time I can handle then I start to feel unproductive and antsy. Needed to write something, I know this is hardly a profound entry, but it is my blog remember!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
To continue the gun debate...
What a feisty dialogue I got started! The issue in yesterday's post was not to take aim (sorry had to do it), at gun ownership; the issue was directly about the group known as Open Carry demanding the right to openly carry their legal guns at Arts, Beats, and Eats. Yes, the Supreme Court has upheld the 2nd Amendment and people in this country can legally own a handgun and with the correct permits can take them out of their homes. I think this is ridiculous and not what our founding fathers had in mind (and certainly God had nothing to do with any of the amendments), but I am not trying to take this right away (at least not with this or my prior blog). The Supreme Court has said that there can be reasonable restrictions on guns. Here is a reasonable restriction which is state law; "places open to the public with seating over 2,500 people, or places where alcohol is sold, are pistol-free zones." Now the head of Open Carry says that our state law states that municipal property, such as a city or township, cannot be a gun-free zone no matter what is occurring there. I looked but could not find this info about municipal property anywhere. No matter, because as I stated in yesterday's blog, it seems Royal Oak cannot afford a lawsuit, Open Carry wins and I am disgusted. Now to just dispute some of the comments made on facebook. It was mentioned that two cities ban gun ownership. I found that D. C. has a ban on handguns, not rifles or shotguns, did not find any other city with a ban on handguns, doesn't mean there isn't one, just that I couldn't find it. Someone stated that it is very seldom that legal guns are involved in criminal acts. I read about such occurrences almost daily, and I believe there are three local people right now in courtrooms pleading their cases for accidentally, or on purpose, shooting someone with their legally owned gun. Someone said that legal gun owners take it very serious and will not be drinking or the cause of any problems and to think otherwise is just left-wing brainwashing. No it is not, some legal gun owners take it very seriously and will not be drinking or the cause of any problems, not all. Because not all gun owners are as responsible as this respondent, I don't like the idea at all that anyone can carry their loaded gun anywhere. On July 19th I wrote a blog about how a gun toting individual at the Westland fair got into an argument with two other people and starting firing off shots. My grandbabies were there and could have been hit with an errant bullet. Loaded guns, concealed or openly carried, do not belong where families go, where alcohol is sold, or to any public event. I really don't get how anyone can argue with this because it is just common sense.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Arts, Beats and Eats and Guns Update
The Arts, Beats and Eats Festival will take place September 3rd through the 6th in Royal Oak. There will be food, lots of entertainment, booze and guns. The festival is expected to draw tens of thousands to this small city in Michigan, but I won't be there. I might accidentally appear to threaten people like Douglas Holloway who feels he must pack his pistol as he enjoys this family event because the city can't keep him safe from all of the criminals who will attend this event. Would someone please tell me what Douglas Holloway is envisioning when he says that he would leave his gun at home if his safety and that of his family could be guaranteed at the event. "I don't think anyone can do that," he told Royal Oak city commissioners. "You can't stop criminals." Does he think he is entering a war zone? Is he thinking another gun toting individual will try to rob him on the street, attack his wife, rape his daughter, beat up his son? Come on! And what if this actually happened? Is he such a sure shot that he would hit the perpetrator and not an innocent child walking by? Or what if he pulled his pistol from his hip holster and the more experienced criminal lunged for him and the gun went off and he shot his wife in the head? It could happen, it happens all the time. When will these gun right activists wake up and realize they do not have the right to endanger me? And here is the saddest thing and the reality of this country, a retired professor stated that those advocating for guns at the festival were taking advantage of Royal Oak, which like many cities, is struggling to deal with lost revenue and doesn't want a costly lawsuit. "It seems to be the gun lobby has picked its moment perfectly." (This is taken directly from today's Free Press article). It all comes down to money. The city can't afford to do what's right and the gun idiots know it. And here is a piece of this ridiculous puzzle I really don't get; if bars are one place that can ban gun carrying individuals, because alcohol and guns just don't mix, why can't the ban be upheld at any event where alcohol can be purchased and consumed on the premises? I really want to hear from you.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
More Thoughts on Guns
Michigan Open Carry has 200 members statewide, only 200, yet they are making enough noise that Royal Oak may cave and allow guns to be part of Arts, Beats & Eats. That is a lot of power people. It frightens me, and it should frighten you. What exactly is wrong with people like the guy pictured in the Free Press article, laughing in Starbucks while he shows off his 9mm handgun? I am not impressed. He is not a man, and I truly wonder about his state of mind. There are laws protecting me from second hand smoke, but if I walk just about anywhere, I am in danger of being shot by a moron packing a pistol. I would rather take my chances with the smoke thank you. The goal of this group is "to bring gun ownership out of the closet." Please! Is displaying your gun on your hip some sort of badge of courage? They threaten to expose business owners who won't allow people carrying guns on their premises by naming them on the internet. Good! I will go to those businesses. I want this group to let me know via the internet the businesses that welcome them, so I won't take my money there! Here is some interesting info courtesy of today's Free Press:
"Michigan law allows guns to be carried openly inside many community buildings, such as libraries, city halls and recreation centers. They are banned in the following: banks and credit unions, churches and other worship areas, courthouses, theaters, sport arenas, day-care centers, hospitals, bars, casinos and college dormitories and classrooms. (Exceptions: Those in charge can choose to allow guns in stores, restaurants, houses of worship and bars.).
I am willing to bet that there are more than 200 of us statewide that think this Open Carry thing is not just stupid but really, really dangerous. I could get shot, just like that, so could you. We need to be louder than them. If someone votes to allow guns to be carried anywhere that we the public go, than we need to vote them out and let them know that we will. Enough is enough, this is not the Wild Wild West, and there has been no war declared in Michigan as far as I know. I do not want to make the Open Carry people mad, because they have guns, they are legally allowed to walk around with them. I do, however, want to appeal to their humanness. I am a living, breathing being, I would like to remain that way and not be the victim of your errant shot. If you do not have an appointment with your worst enemy, at sundown, at the OK Corral, would you please leave your gun at home? Preferably unloaded and locked up. Thank you.
"Michigan law allows guns to be carried openly inside many community buildings, such as libraries, city halls and recreation centers. They are banned in the following: banks and credit unions, churches and other worship areas, courthouses, theaters, sport arenas, day-care centers, hospitals, bars, casinos and college dormitories and classrooms. (Exceptions: Those in charge can choose to allow guns in stores, restaurants, houses of worship and bars.).
I am willing to bet that there are more than 200 of us statewide that think this Open Carry thing is not just stupid but really, really dangerous. I could get shot, just like that, so could you. We need to be louder than them. If someone votes to allow guns to be carried anywhere that we the public go, than we need to vote them out and let them know that we will. Enough is enough, this is not the Wild Wild West, and there has been no war declared in Michigan as far as I know. I do not want to make the Open Carry people mad, because they have guns, they are legally allowed to walk around with them. I do, however, want to appeal to their humanness. I am a living, breathing being, I would like to remain that way and not be the victim of your errant shot. If you do not have an appointment with your worst enemy, at sundown, at the OK Corral, would you please leave your gun at home? Preferably unloaded and locked up. Thank you.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Just want to share
This is another posting that might not fit the "I Just Don't Get It" title, but since it is my blog I can post anything I want! This is another contest entry for the writing site I am on. You had to write a story that started with the line, "Have we met before?" I like it so I thought I would share it. It got very good reviews, didn't win but oh well. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
"Have we met before?" He uttered these words before I could even sit down. I looked up at him, but I was not sure what to say, how to tell him. I struck a pose and beamed, "Yes, we met in elementary school. You didn't like me much, and I stuck my tongue out at you."
The response was what I expected, surprise, so I continued. "We met again in junior high, at the sock hop. It was fun. You asked me to dance, so shy, but your smile betrayed your confidence and I fell in love. We weren't quite ready yet, and we went our separate ways not to meet again until our junior year in high school."
Now he looked at me completely puzzled, and he slowly took a sip of the drink that was on the table before him. "Would you like something?" he inquired with a steady gaze.
"No, I don't think so. Oh, alright, I'll have what you're having. "So," I began. "Do you remember me?" He seemed to be in deep thought, and then he looked up at me and quietly asked, "Have we met before?"
I set my water down and looked into those confused eyes and replied, "Yes, at the prom. I was with your cousin, and you asked me to dance, so shy, but your smile betrayed your confidence and I fell in love, again. You were going off to college though, and I was just a dance."
"So I know you?" He lifted his head and asked.
"Yes, like no one else on this earth. You know where I hide, you know what I don't say, and you know what I pray for."
"Have we met before?" He asked.
"Yes, at the fair. You were home, graduated from college. I was on the midway, the music was playing, and you asked me to dance, so shy, but your smile betrayed your confidence, and I fell totally in love."
"I'm hungry." he said. "Should we eat now?"
"Yes." I answered. "Let's go to the cafeteria and get our supper."
On the way, he met many people he knew. "Hello Gerry, Gertrude, how are you two ladies doing tonight?" "Sam, haven't seen you in a few days, glad you are up and about again." And they looked at him, at me, and Sam asked, "Does he know you today?"
"No, not today Sam, but I am helping him remember, so maybe tomorrow."
We took our seats at the table, we had both chosen the same thing to eat. He was slathering butter on his potato and eyeing his roast beef when he looked at me and inquired, "Have we met before?"
"Yes, in 1949, at the altar. We said "I do" to each other and then at our reception, with all confidence you asked, "Mrs. Brady, may I have this dance?" And for the second time that day, I answered, "Yes."
"I'm feeling rather tired." he said as he stretched and yawned. Perhaps you'll come back again, I have so enjoyed catching up." We walked together down the hall to his room, I held his elbow to steady him. We entered his room, his bed had been turned down and I led him to it. He sat down. "Have we met before?" He asked as he removed his slippers.
"Yes, my Darling." I answered as I stroked his head. "We met in the delivery room in 1951 and again in 53 and with much joy and astonishment in 1960! We met in the funeral home when our parents passed away, we met again at the grave of our child of 1960. We have met at the altar when our own flesh and blood wed, and at the fountain of salvation when their babies were baptized. We have held hands, touched places only we can touch, and loved so much. Have we met before? Oh yes, I know you." I sat for a minute, preparing to leave. I turned to lay a gentle kiss upon his cheek. I saw a tear meet at the edge of a smile that betrayed all confidence, and I knew I would be back tomorrow hoping to dance.
R. Schimmel copyright. 2010
"Have we met before?" He uttered these words before I could even sit down. I looked up at him, but I was not sure what to say, how to tell him. I struck a pose and beamed, "Yes, we met in elementary school. You didn't like me much, and I stuck my tongue out at you."
The response was what I expected, surprise, so I continued. "We met again in junior high, at the sock hop. It was fun. You asked me to dance, so shy, but your smile betrayed your confidence and I fell in love. We weren't quite ready yet, and we went our separate ways not to meet again until our junior year in high school."
Now he looked at me completely puzzled, and he slowly took a sip of the drink that was on the table before him. "Would you like something?" he inquired with a steady gaze.
"No, I don't think so. Oh, alright, I'll have what you're having. "So," I began. "Do you remember me?" He seemed to be in deep thought, and then he looked up at me and quietly asked, "Have we met before?"
I set my water down and looked into those confused eyes and replied, "Yes, at the prom. I was with your cousin, and you asked me to dance, so shy, but your smile betrayed your confidence and I fell in love, again. You were going off to college though, and I was just a dance."
"So I know you?" He lifted his head and asked.
"Yes, like no one else on this earth. You know where I hide, you know what I don't say, and you know what I pray for."
"Have we met before?" He asked.
"Yes, at the fair. You were home, graduated from college. I was on the midway, the music was playing, and you asked me to dance, so shy, but your smile betrayed your confidence, and I fell totally in love."
"I'm hungry." he said. "Should we eat now?"
"Yes." I answered. "Let's go to the cafeteria and get our supper."
On the way, he met many people he knew. "Hello Gerry, Gertrude, how are you two ladies doing tonight?" "Sam, haven't seen you in a few days, glad you are up and about again." And they looked at him, at me, and Sam asked, "Does he know you today?"
"No, not today Sam, but I am helping him remember, so maybe tomorrow."
We took our seats at the table, we had both chosen the same thing to eat. He was slathering butter on his potato and eyeing his roast beef when he looked at me and inquired, "Have we met before?"
"Yes, in 1949, at the altar. We said "I do" to each other and then at our reception, with all confidence you asked, "Mrs. Brady, may I have this dance?" And for the second time that day, I answered, "Yes."
"I'm feeling rather tired." he said as he stretched and yawned. Perhaps you'll come back again, I have so enjoyed catching up." We walked together down the hall to his room, I held his elbow to steady him. We entered his room, his bed had been turned down and I led him to it. He sat down. "Have we met before?" He asked as he removed his slippers.
"Yes, my Darling." I answered as I stroked his head. "We met in the delivery room in 1951 and again in 53 and with much joy and astonishment in 1960! We met in the funeral home when our parents passed away, we met again at the grave of our child of 1960. We have met at the altar when our own flesh and blood wed, and at the fountain of salvation when their babies were baptized. We have held hands, touched places only we can touch, and loved so much. Have we met before? Oh yes, I know you." I sat for a minute, preparing to leave. I turned to lay a gentle kiss upon his cheek. I saw a tear meet at the edge of a smile that betrayed all confidence, and I knew I would be back tomorrow hoping to dance.
R. Schimmel copyright. 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Return to Thoughts on Guns and Other Things
So Carl Mintz, the 27 year-old who now faces a possible prison sentence of up to 10 years probably thought when he exercised his right to gun ownership that he was protecting his life, not ruining it. What happened? Well, he was defending himself he says, against a driver who was angry that Mintz kept stepping on his brakes which meant the mad driver had to step on his breaks too (geesh!). According to Mintz the driver stormed to his car and was screaming and spitting on him and then apparently reached for his pocket, Mintz shot him because he assumed he was going for a weapon. If we had gun control laws in this country that made it illegal for us to carry handguns, Mintz might have just rolled up his window and driven away because he would not have assumed that the other driver had a gun, and Mintz would not have had a gun to shoot him with so he would not now be looking at a possible prison term. The real irony in this sad story is that Mintz, who has no prior record, has a degree in criminal justice from Wayne State University! Geesh, again, what a waste.
Next thought, wear a helmet when bike riding no matter how stupid you think you might look. Bad things happen to good people, and an unavoidable accident could happen to you. I am right now caring for my husband who has a broken collarbone and twelve staples in his head, it is only by the grace of God that he doesn't have a closed head injury. It's funny because I have actually had a premonition about something happening. I talked to my husband the other day about riding the bike with no ID. I have heard sirens and looked at the clock, thinking "He should be home by now." so when I saw the police car out the window, I knew. When I got to the ER and saw that he no longer had a head of white hair, but that half of it had turned bright red, I went numb. Hearing him cracking jokes with the nurses helped me realize immediately that he was all right, but the blood, I knew how lucky he was. So he gets it now, as do I, a helmet will protect your head from a fall from a bike and any of us are subject to that fall.
This leads me to my next thought which I have actually been thinking about for a week. I went to church with my sister-in-law last Sunday while up north, and the priest's sermon reminded us that we don't know when we will be called to give up our life, it could be this very night. I left church thinking that I don't want my last day to be one filled with anger, envy, disappointment, unhappiness, unpleasantness, arguments, confusion, or anything negative. Since I don't know when my last day will be, I have to actually try to rid myself of these feelings. Will I have them? Of course I will, but then I have to allow myself to be happy for the good things in my life, which are plenty. This makes me remember a thought read on a stone not too long ago, "The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here." I get this and I want to get it everyday, because I don't know when my last day will be.
Last thought, just a question really. The Yankee Air Museum 2010 Thunder Over Michigan Air Show is this weekend. It costs adults over 16 thirty dollars to get in and they charge ten dollars for parking. Why? A couple with young children will spend seventy dollars to attend this event. Most likely concessions are sold, and telling the young children "No" at these kind of things is pretty hard and not what you want to do, so it might very well be an eighty or ninety dollar night. Why is it necessary to charge so much to get in and for parking? I don't get it do you?
Next thought, wear a helmet when bike riding no matter how stupid you think you might look. Bad things happen to good people, and an unavoidable accident could happen to you. I am right now caring for my husband who has a broken collarbone and twelve staples in his head, it is only by the grace of God that he doesn't have a closed head injury. It's funny because I have actually had a premonition about something happening. I talked to my husband the other day about riding the bike with no ID. I have heard sirens and looked at the clock, thinking "He should be home by now." so when I saw the police car out the window, I knew. When I got to the ER and saw that he no longer had a head of white hair, but that half of it had turned bright red, I went numb. Hearing him cracking jokes with the nurses helped me realize immediately that he was all right, but the blood, I knew how lucky he was. So he gets it now, as do I, a helmet will protect your head from a fall from a bike and any of us are subject to that fall.
This leads me to my next thought which I have actually been thinking about for a week. I went to church with my sister-in-law last Sunday while up north, and the priest's sermon reminded us that we don't know when we will be called to give up our life, it could be this very night. I left church thinking that I don't want my last day to be one filled with anger, envy, disappointment, unhappiness, unpleasantness, arguments, confusion, or anything negative. Since I don't know when my last day will be, I have to actually try to rid myself of these feelings. Will I have them? Of course I will, but then I have to allow myself to be happy for the good things in my life, which are plenty. This makes me remember a thought read on a stone not too long ago, "The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here." I get this and I want to get it everyday, because I don't know when my last day will be.
Last thought, just a question really. The Yankee Air Museum 2010 Thunder Over Michigan Air Show is this weekend. It costs adults over 16 thirty dollars to get in and they charge ten dollars for parking. Why? A couple with young children will spend seventy dollars to attend this event. Most likely concessions are sold, and telling the young children "No" at these kind of things is pretty hard and not what you want to do, so it might very well be an eighty or ninety dollar night. Why is it necessary to charge so much to get in and for parking? I don't get it do you?
Just irritated
This will be short. Just now as I was leaving an area store that is accessed by an interior road that leads to other stores, I heard a loud and incessant car horn. My gaze was on the ground as I walked to my car, but the honking made me lift my head toward the sound. I saw a car, the mad, honking one, going way too fast down this interior road, and another car crossing over the road headed into the parking lot. There are no stop or yield signs, yet it is common knowledge that the interior road has the right of way, however, it is not a thoroughfare but part of the retail development (in other words, the parking area). The car crossing over into the parking lot did indeed have time to cross, but the mad driver going way too fast didn't want to have to slow down at all and I guess felt put out that he would be expected to do so in a busy retail area with many adjacent parking lots! To me this is just another example of supreme selfishness, and I don't get it. This is what I would like to say to the driver who felt it so necessary to lay on his horn, even after the other car had crossed; We all have somewhere to be, we all have somewhere to go, look around, there are many on the road, you are not alone damn it, so SLOW DOWN and let us all get safely to where we need to be. Thank you.
PS Couldn't post this yesterday as I was interrupted, this will be explained in a later blog.
PS Couldn't post this yesterday as I was interrupted, this will be explained in a later blog.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
It isn't that there hasn't been fabulous things to question and write about, I have just been away. I spent a little more than a week without the need or desire to check e-mail, look at facebook, or post a blog. I can't tell you how relaxing it was to not need to be connected in any way to unseen faces. Why do we communicate this way? I know that it is quicker, easier, and less risky to chat, opine, and do business via the internet but I believe we are losing the ability to really, really communicate. I am just thinking out loud and rambling on a bit as I love the internet, but I do fear its grasp. Anyway, communication, it is an art, an ability and I do believe that society as a whole suffers from the lack of real communication in part due to the internet. Talking in person does not occur as often as it did in the past because we don't need to be face to face; even hearing each others' voices as we communicate is not as prevalent as it once was as talking on the phone has been replaced with texting! As the world turns, right? I get it, but I don't necessarily think it is for the best.
Monday, July 19, 2010
For Those Who Don't Get It
I read in the paper that Germany has the fourth-largest economy, an educated and skilled work force and an export-oriented industrial base that's the envy of all. Let me just speak to the educated and skilled work force. One reason this is a reality is because by the 4th grade students in Germany began to be tracked into schools that suit their needs. If German students are not ready for a certain level of learning they do not have to sit in a classroom becoming frustrated because what is being taught is over their heads. This is not to say that they are receiving an inferior education, they are not, they are learning what they need to learn. Now it is possible that the 4th grade is a little too early to decide who can truly do what, but at some point, students who have not "gotten it" need to be allowed to take the classes that they need so they can learn what they need to learn to enable them to learn more. Our system of a one-size fits all education is just not reality. On the one hand we are told to diversify instruction and then we are handed one curriculum that ALL students must master. How can we possibly turn out a skilled work force when our state mandated curriculum sees all students as ending up behind a corporate desk wearing a business suit? It is not possible to teach students to love learning when what they are being asked to learn is not appropriate for them, not needed for their future dreams and goals, and not relevant to their reality. If we truly want to get all students ready for college, then let's give them what they need to be able to get what we think they should have, down the road a bit. Does that make sense? Because I get all riled up about this.
Moving on...
I mentioned the absurdity of the Barefoot Bandit having supporters in my last blog, well come to find out he has over 80,000 "fans" on Facebook who have eulogized his exploits and demanded his release, and they hail him as "a real-life 21st century outlaw!" Don't they get it? He is a criminal, a bad guy, not someone who deserves to be idolized!
And finally...
Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Red Riding Hood will all soon be updated. There will be a twisted version of Sleeping Beauty, the true version of Snow White will be done with the thieving dwarves and fearsome dragon, a gothic Little Red will be pitted against a werewolf in a medieval town (this is all found in Entertainment Magazine), Now I know that fairy tales were actually meant to be scary, but come on, will little children be able to see these updated versions? I think not and that's too bad because there will be parents who will take them because they will think they are appropriate, they are fairy tales after all. No sweet dreams for them. The End.
Moving on...
I mentioned the absurdity of the Barefoot Bandit having supporters in my last blog, well come to find out he has over 80,000 "fans" on Facebook who have eulogized his exploits and demanded his release, and they hail him as "a real-life 21st century outlaw!" Don't they get it? He is a criminal, a bad guy, not someone who deserves to be idolized!
And finally...
Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Red Riding Hood will all soon be updated. There will be a twisted version of Sleeping Beauty, the true version of Snow White will be done with the thieving dwarves and fearsome dragon, a gothic Little Red will be pitted against a werewolf in a medieval town (this is all found in Entertainment Magazine), Now I know that fairy tales were actually meant to be scary, but come on, will little children be able to see these updated versions? I think not and that's too bad because there will be parents who will take them because they will think they are appropriate, they are fairy tales after all. No sweet dreams for them. The End.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
So much to not get.
As a postscript to my Right to Bear Arms blog, the NRA has "warned" our United States Senate that if they vote for Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, it will be remembered at the ballot box. The NRA is also able to attach gun friendly legislation to bills being considered for passage in order to get enough votes in the senate or house to get the bill passed. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't get it, and I find it damn scary. I mean who is running this country?
Next, the Barefoot Bandit has followers, he has supporters! He is a criminal, has been since he was twelve, why does anyone want to make him a hero? If there is a movie made about him I will puke.
Kwame Kilpatrick has no money, he is broke, therefore my tax dollars will go to pay his court appointed attorney. I don't get it because I don't believe for a minute that Kwame is broke. His court appointed attorney, by the way, is the lawyer he had defending him in the text message scandal and has volunteered to be Kwame's court appointed attorney. He has stated that Kwame is his friend and has been good to him. I don't know, I don't get it, do you?
Detroit.MomsLikeMe.com posed this question: How do you discipline kids in public. Here is a posted response that some mom thinks is good discipline: "For my son it's usually me grabbing his face so he is forced to have eye contact with me and I calmly explain through clinched teeth that if he doesn't behave there will be ... a whole lot of sitting in his room with nothing but his thoughts when we get home." Shortly after reading this in the paper I picked up my daughter-in-law's Parenting Magazine and found out that 27% of children today are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder therefore pediatricians are being trained to ask parents how they are coping! If this mom thinks her form of discipline is appropriate no wonder more and more youngsters have emotional problems. I mean, where is the love in grabbing your child's face and talking through clenched teeth? Where there is no love, there is going to be emotional problems.
Finally, and this is the best of the I don't get its! A school board in Helena Montana heard from angry parents who think a proposed sex education program may be going a bit to far too soon. What has the parents so upset? Well, the program would begin teaching 1st graders about same-gender relationships, (I'm sorry in 1st grade girls think boys are yucky anyway and little boys don't especially like little girls, so I am sure they are all for same gender relationships at this stage!). Fifth graders would learn that sexual intercourse includes vaginal, oral, or anal penetration. Hopefully, this lesson will happen before lunch or there will be a lot of vomit to clean up, I mean who thinks ten and eleven year olds are ready for this? And if they are, this is far scarier than the NRA! High school students would learn about erotic art, that will keep them coming to school, and kindergardeners would be taught the real name for their body parts - penis, vagina, breast, nipples, testicles, scrotum, and uterus. Can you see that lesson? Who would like to volunteer to come to the front of the room and show the class where your penis is? No Suzy, you don't have a penis but you can show us where your vagina is, and you'll get extra credit if you can explain where your little uterus is hiding! One trustee stated that perhaps certain components are being taught too young, (do ya think?), and is quoted as saying "I don't know that anything needs to be taken out - some of it might be age inappropriate. We are going to have to consider how we teach it and when we teach it." REALLY? Oh the world we live in. Have a great night.
Next, the Barefoot Bandit has followers, he has supporters! He is a criminal, has been since he was twelve, why does anyone want to make him a hero? If there is a movie made about him I will puke.
Kwame Kilpatrick has no money, he is broke, therefore my tax dollars will go to pay his court appointed attorney. I don't get it because I don't believe for a minute that Kwame is broke. His court appointed attorney, by the way, is the lawyer he had defending him in the text message scandal and has volunteered to be Kwame's court appointed attorney. He has stated that Kwame is his friend and has been good to him. I don't know, I don't get it, do you?
Detroit.MomsLikeMe.com posed this question: How do you discipline kids in public. Here is a posted response that some mom thinks is good discipline: "For my son it's usually me grabbing his face so he is forced to have eye contact with me and I calmly explain through clinched teeth that if he doesn't behave there will be ... a whole lot of sitting in his room with nothing but his thoughts when we get home." Shortly after reading this in the paper I picked up my daughter-in-law's Parenting Magazine and found out that 27% of children today are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder therefore pediatricians are being trained to ask parents how they are coping! If this mom thinks her form of discipline is appropriate no wonder more and more youngsters have emotional problems. I mean, where is the love in grabbing your child's face and talking through clenched teeth? Where there is no love, there is going to be emotional problems.
Finally, and this is the best of the I don't get its! A school board in Helena Montana heard from angry parents who think a proposed sex education program may be going a bit to far too soon. What has the parents so upset? Well, the program would begin teaching 1st graders about same-gender relationships, (I'm sorry in 1st grade girls think boys are yucky anyway and little boys don't especially like little girls, so I am sure they are all for same gender relationships at this stage!). Fifth graders would learn that sexual intercourse includes vaginal, oral, or anal penetration. Hopefully, this lesson will happen before lunch or there will be a lot of vomit to clean up, I mean who thinks ten and eleven year olds are ready for this? And if they are, this is far scarier than the NRA! High school students would learn about erotic art, that will keep them coming to school, and kindergardeners would be taught the real name for their body parts - penis, vagina, breast, nipples, testicles, scrotum, and uterus. Can you see that lesson? Who would like to volunteer to come to the front of the room and show the class where your penis is? No Suzy, you don't have a penis but you can show us where your vagina is, and you'll get extra credit if you can explain where your little uterus is hiding! One trustee stated that perhaps certain components are being taught too young, (do ya think?), and is quoted as saying "I don't know that anything needs to be taken out - some of it might be age inappropriate. We are going to have to consider how we teach it and when we teach it." REALLY? Oh the world we live in. Have a great night.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The right to keep and bear arms
If I knew that only smart people, mature people, and people with a load of common sense would be the people owning hand guns, I would say, hey why not? But stupid people own hand guns. Sorry but it's true. Immature people own hand guns, and people without a lick of common sense are walking around toting guns. We are back in the Wild Wild West where if someone doesn't like the way you look, or has a petty arguement with you, BAM, you're dead! Okay so the shooter gets caught goes to trial is found guilty goes to jail and guess what? YOU'RE STILL DEAD! Oh, and I just love, "guns don't kill people, people do." That's right, people with guns kill people, but plenty of people think just about anyone has the right to own one. I don't get it and I don't like it. In today's paper I read that some idiot with a loaded gun was walking aroung the Westland fair, got into an argument with two other people and fired off some shots. My grandbabies were there! This idiot's stray bullets intended to KILL someone who didn't agree with the gun bearing moron very possibly could have found my family! How dare anyone think that it is okay that just about anyone should have the "right" to own and to walk around with a loaded gun! This is pure lunacy. National Rifle Association, sit down and shut up, you are wrong, wrong, wrong, and the smart people, the mature people, the people with a load of common sense need to stand up and tell you that. You want a rifle so you can go hunting? Go get one, keep it unloaded and locked up until you can shoot up your prey. You like just shooting at the range with your trusty old revolver? Fine, go get one, keep it unloaded and locked up until you are at the shooting range, and then have at it. Think that about does it, can't think of any other reason to own any kind of a gun. What about protecting yourself, your home and your family? You would keep it locked up and unloaded until you had to use it? What kind of sense does that make? Here's the real deal; guns in the hands of stupid people, kill innocent people. This is not a political thing, at least it shouldn't be, it is a human thing. I don't want myself or anyone I love, or anyone at all, to be killed because someone had to prove that they had the right to own a gun, walk around with it, and use it. It has happened too often lately and it really has to stop. We, as a collective group of people, do not have the right to own and to use guns on each other. I can't believe anyone thinks we do. You are free to let me know if you disagree, however, you will never change my mind.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Just a little history of woman FYI
In many places woman were once property, owned by fathers and then husbands. That is why at marriage they were "given away." Like the title to a car or the deed to a house, ownership was being transferred.
A Woman was once pretty much their husband's domestic servant and sexual toy, she didn't have much say in what she could do by day or by night, because she really did not have an identity of her own. Women who complained to their own mothers were told in no uncertain terms to return to the beast, they had made their bed so go lie in it.
Now of course there were many wonderful unions full of love and respect way back when, but if a woman was stuck in a brutal relationship, there was nothing that she could do, she had been "given away" and could not go back home. She couldn't get a job, because she didn't have an education, girls didn't go to school once upon a time.
So what's my point in all this? Just to say that to study the history of women should be fascinating and for young woman, eye opening. Everything we can do today we couldn't always do. The choices that we can make today were not options for our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, or even our mothers.
Being able to tell my daughter and grand daughter that they can do anything is not something women coming of age in the 1900's 1920's, 1950's even the 1970's would hear from their mothers. The expectation was that a woman would get married and stay at home taking care of house and family. Today this is a viable option, today it is a choice.
If we don't study history we don't know, and to not know is a very scary thing. We are where we are because of what came before us. We can't escape our history, we should embrace our history, and we should learn from our history. They say that history repeats itself, and I believe it does if you deny it. I don't want to go back. I don't want to be someone's property, I don't want to be considered insignificant, I don't want to not be able to choose, and I don't want to tell my daughter or grand daughter that they are limited because they are female.
A Woman was once pretty much their husband's domestic servant and sexual toy, she didn't have much say in what she could do by day or by night, because she really did not have an identity of her own. Women who complained to their own mothers were told in no uncertain terms to return to the beast, they had made their bed so go lie in it.
Now of course there were many wonderful unions full of love and respect way back when, but if a woman was stuck in a brutal relationship, there was nothing that she could do, she had been "given away" and could not go back home. She couldn't get a job, because she didn't have an education, girls didn't go to school once upon a time.
So what's my point in all this? Just to say that to study the history of women should be fascinating and for young woman, eye opening. Everything we can do today we couldn't always do. The choices that we can make today were not options for our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, or even our mothers.
Being able to tell my daughter and grand daughter that they can do anything is not something women coming of age in the 1900's 1920's, 1950's even the 1970's would hear from their mothers. The expectation was that a woman would get married and stay at home taking care of house and family. Today this is a viable option, today it is a choice.
If we don't study history we don't know, and to not know is a very scary thing. We are where we are because of what came before us. We can't escape our history, we should embrace our history, and we should learn from our history. They say that history repeats itself, and I believe it does if you deny it. I don't want to go back. I don't want to be someone's property, I don't want to be considered insignificant, I don't want to not be able to choose, and I don't want to tell my daughter or grand daughter that they are limited because they are female.
Monday, July 5, 2010
A surprise visit
It was late and we were all just relaxing at home after a long day in the sun when WHAM! I dropped my book, looked towards the door and uttered these words, I remember them exactly, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" Standing just inside my front door was a large woman covered in blood. My husband startled awake, looked at the intruder, jumped over the couch, opened the front door and peered out. I went over to the door and yelled, "What are you doing? Whoever did this to her may still be out there!" I pulled the door shut. By this time I had taken a good look at the woman with the blood smeared all over her face and noticed her small hands, she was just a young woman and I thought she had encountered abuse. My daughter was huddled in the corner screaming into the phone that there was a bloody lady in our house and that her mom, me, was now beginning to clean her up. She, my daughter, suddenly screamed through her tears, "Mom, get away from her she may have a knife. They know who she is and she cuts herself." I continued to wipe the blood from her hands and face and could see that she had a small cut on her forehead. It was obvious that she had somehow cut her head and then proceeded to rub the blood all over her face. It was also obvious as she kept stammering, "I want to go to pic, I want to go to pic." that she was cognitively impaired. I asked her her name and she told me it was Jessica, I figured she was about twenty years old, but I had no idea where she had come from or what 'pic' was. The officers who arrived on the scene cleared things up. Jessica was from a group home down the street. I did not know that there was a group home down the street. This was not the first time that Jessica had gone visiting come to find out, so the officers were well aware of her. I asked them what 'pic' was and was told it stood for 'psychiatric intensive care' that's where Jessica wanted to go. "Why?" I asked. They get drugs there I was told. I felt sorry for her. The officers put her in the squad car and drove her just down the street to the group home where she resided. We were assured that that was the last we would see of Jessica. My husband and I went back inside where my youngest son was huddled in the corner of the couch, my daughter was still sobbing and needed to be held, and my oldest son was sitting on the steps instructing me to please wash my hands and throw away the rag I had used to wash off Jessica. We had all just settled down again when we heard BAM, BAM, BAM, and we jumped out of our skin! I ran to the door, flung it open, and there on the porch was a very naked Jessica! I grabbed her arm and brought her inside. My daughter was once again in the corner of the room sobbing into the phone, and this very large naked young woman was standing in my living room every bit as confused and numb as we were. The police arrived in no time at all, I don't think they had made it back to the precinct before they were summoned to return to our house. I hadn't had time to respond to Jessica's nakedness and when the officers walked into the room they asked if I might have a sheet to put around her. The request jolted me from my state of disbelief, and I ran upstairs, retrieved a sheet and wrapped Jessica up in it. The officers took her away again. We were told that when they had taken her back the first time she was probably stripped and put in her room where the caretakers figured she would stay since she had no clothes on; but that was not going to keep Jessica from going where she wanted to go! I guess she came back to us because we were home and we were nice to her the first time, I don't know. This night occurred over ten years ago, the group home is still there but to my knowledge Jessica is not. There is also a group home right next door to us. Should there be group homes in suburbia? This question is being posed by residents in Northville Township who are worried by recent incidents involving persons living in nearby group homes. I don't have an answer. What if my children had been home without us that night? The three of them were old enough to have been home together with us just around the block where we had been that day. What would have happened without us there? Could Jessica have gotten violent with my children? Would she have been hurt by any of my children protecting themselves and each other? How had she gotten out, where were the people who were supposed to be taking care of her the first time and the second time? What if I had a developmentally disabled child who had grown to adulthood and needed and wanted some independence? I would want a place where my child could blossom and feel free, and I would know what was happening. That is what strikes me about the group homes in my neighborhood, no one comes to visit. Where are the families of these adults who need some independence but still need care? If the residents of these group homes are able, but developmentally disabled, why do they never get outside? I would not have a problem knowing who they are and interacting with them. I have a problem not knowing who they are and not being able to interact with them and those who love them. My question about group homes is not should they be in existence, not who should the clients be, but what is the responsibility of the family? Group homes in neighborhoods where people are raising families should not be for the forgotten and unloved. I remember Jessica, I still feel for Jessica, and I know that Jessica did not grow or blossom in the group home just down the street. What do you think?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Where to begin?
So many thoughts rolling around in my head, I don't know where to begin. This may be a bit of a rambling journey but come on along.
Beginning today and through Friday quite a varied group of people will be coming to Detroit. Flocking to the city will be "a hootenanny of pinkos, environuts, peaceniks, Luddites, old hippies, Robin Hoods and urban hunters and gatherers. In other words, a microcosm of the Obama administration." This description is courtesy of Nolan Finley of the Detroit News. Rochelle Riley of the Detroit Free Press asks us not to dismiss "the grassroots activists, idealists, revolutionaries and community organizers" who will descend on us. Wow, I don't know if I should run for cover or join in on the fun! If I believe Nolan, this forum "ain't no tea party." Rochelle tells me "even Tea Party members inquired about space." Nolan doesn't like this throng of people or the mission he believes them to be on which is "To tear down Wall Street and use the bricks to pave Main Street." Rochelle welcomes them and their desire "To explore, among other things, improving public education and strengthening the working class." Just goes to show ya there are two sides to every story, who ya gonna believe?
Next rambling thought: Otis Mathis, (this one's at your request Moon). According to Reverend David Murray, a DPS board member, at the tender age of 55 Otis just might not have known that fondling himself during his meeting with Detroit Public School Superintendent Teresa Gueyser, might have been offensive to her. I don't know who the bigger idiot is Otis or the reverend! Otis is gone from the board, Reverend David Murray should be too don't ya think? Oh, and Otis blames his lewdness on medical issues and says he needs to pursue treatment. What? I would suggest a lobotomy except he talks like he has already had one.
Moving on: I had a discussion over the weekend about some past news, so I just want to clarify. Senate Majority Leader, Mike Bishop, and the newly formed Senate Reforms and Restructuring Committee are behind Senate Joint Resolution U which calls for cutting the pay of ALL public employees in the state by 5% and mandating a three-year wage freeze. I have e-mailed Mr. Bishop in order to find out if indeed the current members of the state legislature will have their pay cut should this become a reality. Reading the proposal is confusing and it isn't clear how our elected officials will be affected, even though they are public employees. As to the measure that was already passed that will increase my contribution to the retiree health care fund by 3%, yes, it is the same fund that I already pay 3.6% into, not a separate fund. And whereas before, I was guaranteed to have the money in this fund work for me upon my retirement, now I am not. I would like to be wrong, I hope I am wrong, but I have read nothing that indicates that the additional 3% is going into a different coffer. Now, those who have argued against my rant at what I see as being extremely unfair and simply wrong, have all used the "why should teachers be different?" theory. I have been reminded that so many others have had their wages cut or have lost jobs, "unfairly." I have been chastised for my "selfishness" because so many others have it so much worse. Just in today's letters in the Free Press, Joe from Nashville, wants to know why teachers feel they are above the financial mess the state is in and why we can't learn to live within the framework of the money that's there. Hmmm, I would think that those who have seen their pay cut, or have lost jobs, would be thrilled that finally a large group of people with some political clout are saying ENOUGH! Why do those who have suffered financially want others to suffer as well? Does it somehow justify what happened to them and make them feel better? Why does balancing the budget have to directly affect the working class people, while the wealthiest people continue to prosper? I'm just very confused by the reaction I have been getting, I really don't get it.
Okay, that's all folks, at least for now!
Beginning today and through Friday quite a varied group of people will be coming to Detroit. Flocking to the city will be "a hootenanny of pinkos, environuts, peaceniks, Luddites, old hippies, Robin Hoods and urban hunters and gatherers. In other words, a microcosm of the Obama administration." This description is courtesy of Nolan Finley of the Detroit News. Rochelle Riley of the Detroit Free Press asks us not to dismiss "the grassroots activists, idealists, revolutionaries and community organizers" who will descend on us. Wow, I don't know if I should run for cover or join in on the fun! If I believe Nolan, this forum "ain't no tea party." Rochelle tells me "even Tea Party members inquired about space." Nolan doesn't like this throng of people or the mission he believes them to be on which is "To tear down Wall Street and use the bricks to pave Main Street." Rochelle welcomes them and their desire "To explore, among other things, improving public education and strengthening the working class." Just goes to show ya there are two sides to every story, who ya gonna believe?
Next rambling thought: Otis Mathis, (this one's at your request Moon). According to Reverend David Murray, a DPS board member, at the tender age of 55 Otis just might not have known that fondling himself during his meeting with Detroit Public School Superintendent Teresa Gueyser, might have been offensive to her. I don't know who the bigger idiot is Otis or the reverend! Otis is gone from the board, Reverend David Murray should be too don't ya think? Oh, and Otis blames his lewdness on medical issues and says he needs to pursue treatment. What? I would suggest a lobotomy except he talks like he has already had one.
Moving on: I had a discussion over the weekend about some past news, so I just want to clarify. Senate Majority Leader, Mike Bishop, and the newly formed Senate Reforms and Restructuring Committee are behind Senate Joint Resolution U which calls for cutting the pay of ALL public employees in the state by 5% and mandating a three-year wage freeze. I have e-mailed Mr. Bishop in order to find out if indeed the current members of the state legislature will have their pay cut should this become a reality. Reading the proposal is confusing and it isn't clear how our elected officials will be affected, even though they are public employees. As to the measure that was already passed that will increase my contribution to the retiree health care fund by 3%, yes, it is the same fund that I already pay 3.6% into, not a separate fund. And whereas before, I was guaranteed to have the money in this fund work for me upon my retirement, now I am not. I would like to be wrong, I hope I am wrong, but I have read nothing that indicates that the additional 3% is going into a different coffer. Now, those who have argued against my rant at what I see as being extremely unfair and simply wrong, have all used the "why should teachers be different?" theory. I have been reminded that so many others have had their wages cut or have lost jobs, "unfairly." I have been chastised for my "selfishness" because so many others have it so much worse. Just in today's letters in the Free Press, Joe from Nashville, wants to know why teachers feel they are above the financial mess the state is in and why we can't learn to live within the framework of the money that's there. Hmmm, I would think that those who have seen their pay cut, or have lost jobs, would be thrilled that finally a large group of people with some political clout are saying ENOUGH! Why do those who have suffered financially want others to suffer as well? Does it somehow justify what happened to them and make them feel better? Why does balancing the budget have to directly affect the working class people, while the wealthiest people continue to prosper? I'm just very confused by the reaction I have been getting, I really don't get it.
Okay, that's all folks, at least for now!
Friday, June 18, 2010
How do babies know what love is?
I wasn't thinking of the event I am about to write about as a blog topic, but suddenly I said to myself, this is stuff the world should know. My daughter-in-law sent me a text about something that my two and a half year old granddaughter had asked her and her reaction to the response she got. I couldn't believe it so I called her and got the story. Sitting at the table eating, the best time to have a conversation by the way, my granddaughter asks of her mommy, "Where's your mommy?" You see my granddaughter spends a great deal of time with me and her grandpa, but I am her only grandma. My daughter-in-law, who probably never expected this question so early in her little girl's life stated simply that her mommy had died a long time ago. Then my daughter-in-law's little daughter put her hand to her own little heart and said, "She's here." Can you believe that? How can a two and a half year old know that love is that powerful? Love is so powerful that my daughter-in-law's mother is in her own daughter's heart, and she will come to know her. Wow, I get chills just thinking about that! It does say to me that you are never really gone, not if you have loved or have been loved. Just thought I would share this beautiful moment in my daughter-in-law's and granddaughter's life.
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