Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Education legislation smells

I am in Education and something about it really smells.  Every time I turn around, I read about another proposal by the legislature or the department of education that simply is not good for students, no matter the age of the student.  Recent legislation has done nothing to improve schools for kids, nor has it made higher education easier to access by those who are not financially secure, or extremely capable.  Yet, all we hear is that everyone has to go to college if we are to compete in a "global economy".  I would still like to know exactly what that catch phrase really means, I don't get it.  It is a term someone threw out one day, that someone else latched on to and then more politicians began throwing it around because it sounds impressive, but what the hell does it really mean?  Why does every American kid have to get a college degree for us to compete economically globally?  Now I am reading about another "rule" that the department of ed wants to lay on us called "Gainful Employment"  It sounds positive doesn't it?  That's the game people in politics play, you have to be really good at marketing and advertising to remain in politics.  What I have read about "Gainful Employment" is not good for students, not good for the job market, and I dare to say, not good for competing in a "global economy" where I would think you would want all people to have access to career options that would allow them to earn money to spend.  So go to www.mycareercounts.org and see for yourself.  If I am wrong about this not being a good thing, please enlighten me.  If I am right that this "rule" simply is not in the best interest of society as a whole, but may very well benefit the wealthiest among us, who can afford to go to college for four, five or six years, and have the means to get private tutoring and maybe even bribe their way through life, then let me know that too.  All I am seeing in legislation that has anything to do with education is that it is making it easier for those who have to get more, while those who don't never will, under the guise of "leaving no child behind", and making college a possibility for all.  It's bullshit, and it's time someone said it, so I am.  Oh and by the way Arne Duncan is the Secretary of Education, I have read his bio, and never saw, "classroom teacher" listed. I don't get it.  I don't think any of the people in Lansing or Washington making decisions that affect education ever taught in a classroom, and worse when proposing things that have to do with educating the young people of this country they completely ignore educators and consult business people!  They make it all sound right, but let me tell you, it is so very wrong what politicians are doing to students, the bottom line is the almighty dollar for them not your kids.  Trust me, I'm in it, I see the results of the legislation every day, and it ain't pretty.  Most teachers truly care about kids, most politicians care about getting  reelected.  Okay, I'm done now.

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