Thursday, May 19, 2011

With thanks to Dr. Suess.

I do not like that Snyder man.
I do not like him Sam I am.
I will vote for whom I can,
it will not be that Snyder man.

All those friends of Snyder man?
I do not like them Sam I am.
I will vote for whom I can,
It will not be friends of Snyder man!

I do not like that Snyder man.
I do not like him Sam I am.
His balanced budget is just a scam
cuz he owns a business, Sam I am!

He doesn't like the you and me,
but he sure likes the wealthy.
He takes and takes from you and me,
and gives it all back to the wealthy!

No, I do not like that Snyder man.
I do not like him Sam I am.
And all those friends of Snyder man?
I do not like them Sam I am.

He seems to know just what to say
to make the people believe his way,
but he throws figures all about
and they're all wrong I want to shout!

And all those friends of  Snyder man?
All their heads are in the sand.
They talk and talk like they know,
and they put on quite a show.

So if you're poor or middle class
and think he's good, then your an ass.
You should not like that Snyder man.
No, they should not, Sam I am

Perhaps it will not come to pass
that another vote will be cast
for Snyder man or his friends
That's what I'm hoping Sam I am.

Please sign and pledge to recall
recall, recall, recall them all!
They are not good, they are not wise
they want to hurt us little guys.

Please, please understand
why I do not like that Snyder man.
He talks about shared sacrifice
but he has me sharing thrice.

I get to give up salary
and pay more to stay healthy.
And one day when I can retire?
My pensions taxed, so I'm for hire.

No I do not like that Snyder man.
I do not like him Sam I am.
The poor will suffer under his plan
more than now, that's just insan....ity!

And all those friends of Snyder man,
the ones that back all his plans?
I do not like them Sam I am
and so I will not, can not vote for them.

One more thing needs to be said
before I put this poem to bed.
We have good schools, and they serve all
Snyder man would see them fall.

Who is Snyder man listening to?
It isn't me, and it isn't you.
So down in Whoville, we are scared
cuz the smallest ones will not be spared.

I do not like that Snyder man
I do not like him Sam I am. 


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