Saturday, July 30, 2011

A letter to the Governor and my reps.

Good Evening,

So today I found out that I will pay $3558.24 this next school year towards my health benefits. I do not yet know what my salary will be, but since it is a contract year, I am expecting that there will be a significant pay cut. Please divulge for me the amount of money your health benefits will cost you, and what sort of a pay cut you are counting on taking as part of your desire to share the sacrifice. And yes Governor, I am aware that you are not taking a salary, but you are a millionaire.  Perhaps you would be willing to share your wealth as part of your shared sacrifice?  I will expect a speedy reply as I am sure you want to reassure me that you are indeed sharing in the sacrifice you are so ready to extract from me and my middle class cohorts.

That's what I sent.  I wanted to send what I continued writing, but I figured my venting would not get me anywhere with the Gov or his buds.  Wish others would listen though. 

I think that it would benefit you to know that since I will be making less, I will be spending less. Since I will be spending less, businesses will be doing less business. Since businesses will be doing less business, they will not be hiring, in fact they will have to downsize. Since businesses will not be prospering there will not be a revitalization of Michigan, and more people will leave the state seeking greener pastures. There will be many people who cannot leave for better opportunities so they will remain here, poor and bitter. Michigan will become some unholy, ugly abyss that spews hate and frustration at those who brought us to this place. Do you give a shit? Oh, I forgot, you don't give a shit because you are rich, you are self rightous, and you are oblivious to those in need. You are not public servants, which you are supposed to be.  You think you are the chosen ones, chosen to continue to ensure that you and your friends in high places will not fall from the pedestals you have put yourselves on.  How do you sleep at night? 


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