Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dear Gov. Walker

Here's a letter written to Gov. Scott Walker:

Governor Walker,
I must address your statement that you "have no doubt" that support for the measure would grow over time.  Why are you signing a bill that does not have public support now?  Aren't you elected by the people, for the people?  Or do you think you were elected to just take care of some of the people?  Who are those people you are in office to take care of?  Obviously not the hard working middle class men and women of your state.  After you were elected you wrote; Dear Friends, "Today begins a new chapter in the history of our state...We have a bold plan to help the private sector create 250,000 new jobs by 2015."  So creating private sector jobs is the goal, and to hell with the public employees?  You also said about this bill, "Once the public sees government becoming more efficient, support for the changes will increase."  What does union busting have to do with the government running itself efficiently?  I simply do not understand the connection, BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!  And there's more to your rhetoric;  "What we're doing progressive.  It's innovative."  NO IT'S NOT!  Those in power have been screwing those without power since time began.  You want to do something innovative?  Tell those with the money to take it elsewhere and then do what's right.  Finally, you say the new law will be "good for the middle class for years to come."  I need you to elaborate.  I need you to be specific.  Just how will this new legislation be good for the middle class for years to come?  I await your reply addressing my concerns.  While I am not from Wisconsin, please do not ignore me, because as a great man once said, "When there is injustice somewhere, there is injustice everywhere."  Another important man once said, "Something that affects one directly, affects all indirectly."  I am affected by this.



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