Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Been Away

I've been away, did anyone notice?  Ha Ha!  No one did I know, so I am crying in my beer.  I have to keep reminding myself that I am doing this for me, but I reread all of my postings tonight, and damn, they're good!  Anyway, so much for blogging everyday.  I will continue to make that my goal, but when away it is hard to fit it in.  So now schools should prevent teen pregnancies, at least according to a Free Press editorial.  Yes, I think sex ed should be part of the public school curriculum, yes, I think values should be part of the teaching that takes place in school, and yes I think that we should have some control over the behavior of our students.  Here is the reality:  Many parents request that they be allowed to instruct their children in sexuality and would the schools please stay out of it, so they say DON'T and believe, yes really believe that that will do it.  Many parents say the schools have no right to teach values, that the home will instill the parent's values into the children.  Then they go about their lives, lying, cheating, not showing tolerance, complaining about work, shouting that they deserve more, or being so self-righteous that the children want to puke.  And behavior, well read the last sentence, with parents behaving badly, is there any hope for the children?  And if the schools try to interfere, instruct, control, or God forbid, teach content in an orderly classroom, the parents of the disgruntled child who was asked to put away the cellphone, (yes, there is a  policy about this), cover up exposed breasts, or underwear, (yes, there is a dress code), hand in homework, sit down and be quiet, or listen and learn, come storming in with their advocate, or lawyer, or ACLU representative and scream discrimination, or harassment, or why are you picking on my child?  What the hell are we supposed to do?
Tell me please, because I just don't get it.


  1. Exactly!!!! Also, how are schools supposed to prevent teen pregnancy when they're only allowed to teach abstinence? Of course abstinence should be promoted, but let's be realistic here. And, not to mention how cool teen pregnancy has become in the media over the last couple of years...Juno, The Life of an American Teenager.... Girls love these shows!

  2. Well said!!! If we can't even take a candybar away from a child without being reprimanded to "not take personal property away from students," how the heck can we prevent teen pregnancy!!!!!

  3. A large % of parents are not teaching sex ed at home they are learning from friends and movies ect. Sex Ed is basic biology and should be addressed in the school. As far as beleifs/ emotions and maturity then the parents need to get INVOLVED !!!! Patti schultz
