Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Asian Carp

Apparently these fish are huge, have no predators, and may destroy the Great Lakes.  This is Michigan, right now we don't have a lot, but we still have our water.  There are some who want to wait and see if these Asian Carp will indeed prove to be the threat many, many, experts say they will be.  Wait and see?  That's like standing next to a burning bush and saying, "Let's wait and see if the fire reaches the house, then when the flames attack the front door we will throw a bucket of water at it."  Too little too late as the saying goes, once the flames get to the door, a bucket of water just won't do.  I don't get it, do you?  If we know the damage these fish can do, why would anyone want Michigan to do nothing, or not do enough until it is too late?

Got this website from a friend, please visit it, but ignore that it has Ted Nugent on it!

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