Well it is another one of those nights folks, it has gotten late and I am out of steam. So I will leave you with something a friend of mine quoted as a momism; "You are what you do and when you don't you're not." Get it? I do and I kind of like it, so thanks Patti for giving me my blog tonight. I am what I do, and when I think I should be doing something else, I am not really who I am. It isn't that you shouldn't think about doing other things, but what you really do, everyday, defines you. So my advise is to do what you do well, whatever it is, because by doing it well you become a better you! Sleep on it.
I totally agree. If it feeds you, you should write or sing or dance or solve algebra problems. We never know where our passions will lead us until we let them lead. By the way, I love that you're writing. It just feels right, right?