Sunday, January 10, 2010

So much I don't get!

My mind is teeming with ideas to writer about, the Sunday paper is fodder for blogging about things that are beyond my understanding.  So I am reading about a young woman with breast cancer and no insurance, fortunately her surgeon and the hospital are going to provide services without charge.  In this article, I am informed that Sen. Bob Nelson, D-Neb. has managed to get extra medicaid funds for his state in exchange for his support of the health care reform bills.  What?  The article states that this money he has managed to steal (my word), for his state is money that isn't going to go to patients like this young woman with breast cancer, and I can only wonder at how this is allowed to happen.  Bob, is health care reform something that will be good for the people of the United States?  Not the people of a certain faith, or color, or sexual orientation, or ethnicity, just the people, If you answer yes, then you vote for it.  If you do not think it is good for the people, not the people of a certain faith, or color, or sexual orientation, or ethnicity, just the people of the United States, then you don't vote for it.  You do not use it as a playing piece in a political game, shame on you and all of those like you.  Which brings me to my next rant, I am no longer a democrat, nor am I a republican, and I think it is time to put the two-party system to bed.  All of the fighting that the two sides are doing is keeping anything productive or constructive from becoming reality.  Politicians today are like a bunch of adolescents who have reentered the egocentric phase of childhood.  They are playing a game that is endangering me every bit as much as the danger presented from those the government says are my enemies, and I just don't get it.  While reading the Nation and World section which has headlines from around the world my eyes fell on this from Hong Kong "Acid Attack on crowd injures 15."  Someone dropped  a bottle of acid into a crowd in a densely populated shopping area.  What?  Why would anyone do that?  Were they laughing as they ran away?  What happens in a young person's life to turn him into a monster with no regard for the well being of others?  Unfortunately our government is loaded with decision makers every bit as destructive as the acid throwers, they are destroying this country with their own kind of poison, a self-righteous attitude, monetary greed, and the need to keep getting re-elected because they like the life they live.  It doesn't matter if they are democrats or republicans, they are looking out for their own self interests, they are not looking out for me.  On a lighter note from the entertainment section; J. Lo wonders why the academy members didn't see the movie she made with her husband in 2007 that she thought should have earned her an Oscar nod, and Miley Cryus wants everyone to know that her job is not to tell kids how to behave, and her behavior shouldn't influence them, she is after all not a parent, she is a role model!  Oh boy, does anyone get it?  Sorry for the length, if you stuck with it thanks.  Really didn't know where this one would go, but I do feel better.

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