So you have a little one and you think this darling is just that, a little darling. So you decide to do the pageant thing. Why? Well because you may win some money, your child may become the next supermodel, your child may be in pictures! If what I have just read in the paper is true, most of the little darlings don't enjoy this experience one darn bit. In fact, they are not just not enjoying it, they are in distress and the adults around them are forcing them to continue this painful experience. The adults around them are abusing them. At first I thought It was just the parents who should be arrested for child abuse, but then I realized that there are many adults who are allowing this situation to take place, and they are also guilty of child abuse. Someone thought up the concept of this horrible show, there are many people working on bringing this show to TV, every single one of them are guilty of child abuse. How can any of the people involved in this show watch mothers force their toddlers to get made up, get dressed up, get up on stage and act in ways that no toddler should act, and think it is alright? I just don't get it. I may watch this show just so I can see who is advertising so I can write about how they are contributing to this form of child abuse, and make no mistake, it is abuse and everyone involved is guilty. We owe children more.
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