Okay, this is just way beyond my understanding. Thursday's paper has an article titled; "Is Obama meddling with Mich. politics?" First of all "Obama" is the president of the United States of America, and a newspaper in the United States of America does not have enough respect for the office of the presidency to title the article; " Is President Obama meddling with Mich. politics?" Then at the end the article states; " Meanwhile the daily buzz over who's in and who's out of the Democratic race continued Wednesday, even among Republicans who say they're enjoying the disarray in the enemy camp." The enemy camp? Really" I am absolutely appalled. I don't know what to say, but I know this isn't right. This is not how our forefathers saw the system of democracy that they fought for, they would be ashamed. And "the right to bear arms" I am quite sure was not intended to allow any Tom, Dick or Harry to carry a concealed weapon! This is in today's paper, that something like 220,000 people in Michigan, have permits to carry a concealed weapon! And do you know why many of these 220,000 people in Michigan, want to have a concealed weapon? Because they have the right to! Well, holy cow, I have the right to eat until I vomit. I also have the right to say hello to people I pass on the street and to smile at them. I have the right to offer a helping hand if I am so inclined, and I have the right to say that any person who wants to carry a concealed weapon because they have the right to, is not a person I want to ever be in the same room with because they are an idiot! I do not get it at all. Good night.
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