Friday, January 8, 2010


We don't have a snow blower.  Our neighbor two doors down to our right does, and our neighbor on our left does, and they snow blow when we have a dusting.  So, that being said I don't get why they simply don't snow blow the snow off of our front walk.  This morning as I was cleaning off my car, my neighbor to the right was snow blowing in front of his house and he did the next door neighbor's front walk, but he stopped at the end of their drive and did not venture into our territory.  Now we have been neighbors for 23 years, our children were friends and we still nod and say hello to each other.  When I saw that he had no intention of going beyond the drive of the house between us with his machine I thought, well that's not very neighborly, then I left for work.  When I came home I could see that the other neighbor, who we are friendly with, had used his snow blower on his front walk and ours was clear, but it just wasn't quite as perfect so I knew John had had to shovel it.  Now neither of these neighbors has any obligation to clear our sidewalk of snow, John is perfectly capable of shoveling and we have a grown son living at home who knows how to man a shovel, but geez if you are out doing your walk and you know your neighbor will have to use a shovel, and he is not a man in his 20's 30's 40's or 50's, why not walk a few more steps and blow the damn snow away?  I would, I would do the whole block!  I just know the two neighbor "men" were thinking, "why doesn't he buy a snow blower?  I'm not going to clear his sidewalk because he's too cheap to by a snow blower."  I don't know, but I just don't get it, what happened to looking out for each other and lending a hand?  Am I wrong?


  1. You are not wrong at all...I really can't believe that people aren't more considerate. Jenn vacuumed her office the other day and without even thinking about it, proceeded to vacuum mine, Rich's, and Melissa's (not Randy's because he has too much crap on the floor). Joe's neighbor has a snow blower and Joe doesn't. He came home from work the other day to find his driveway clear. He is so grateful that he plans to get up early and shovel his neighbor's walk to return the favor or repay with another nice gesture. I used to clean my old roommate's (Jen) car off if I left for school before her in the morning and she never once thanked me or did the same for me. I never stopped doing it though because it felt like the right thing to do and I enjoyed helping someone out. Some people weren't born with that instinct I guess.
