Read this quote by one of the co-hosts of "The 9", a show I have never heard of, "I think no matter who you are, how old you are or what he has done in the past - everyone became a Michael Jackson fan." Um, no. And this co-host added that Michael Jackson's death is "absolutely the biggest story of the year, if not the decade." I just don't get it, does anyone really think that? The newspaper posted some responses to the following question which was posted on a blog, "What was the biggest mistake your parents made in raising you?" Here is one local mom's response: "They should of made me go to college right after high school." Should of? And she thought she was ready for college? Really? And finally, today's newspaper lists some unsolved crimes committed in the city of Detroit; a 19-year-old was gunned done for his Cartier glasses, a 17-year-old was shot and killed when he wouldn't hand over his diamond cross necklace to thieves, an 18-year-old was shot ten times by intruders, and a 19 and 22-year-old were shot and killed in a botched carjacking. And there are people who think everyone has the right to own a handgun? I just don't get it. And as an afterthought, I don't get how an 18-year-old could afford Cartier glasses or how a 17-year-old could afford a diamond necklace. According to the paper, both of these kids were students and working part-time jobs, so what is the appeal of the diamonds and the name brand, I really don't get it! Feel free to enlighten me.
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