Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Now here is a real I don't get it.  There is an article in today's Free Press about the need for Michigan to pass an anti-bullying law.  This law would require all Michigan school districts to have an anti-bullying policy and to spell out what is appropriate student behavior and how bullying will be handled.  Opponents like Gary Glenn, the leader of American Family Association-Michigan say the bill as it is written "promotes a homosexual agenda by creating a special protection for gays and lesbians.  Here is how the bill, which failed the first time it was introduced, defines bullying; "As any act based on a pupil's actual or perceived religion, race, color, national origin, age,sex, sexual orientation, disability, height, weight, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or any other distinguishing characteristic, or is based on association with another person who has or is perceived to have any of these characteristics."  I don't get how Glenn thinks this will create a special protection for gays and lesbians.  I think it offers gays and lesbians the same protection as every other group the bill's writers have tried to cover.  Doesn't Glenn think gays and lesbians should have the same protection against being bullied as any other group of students?  He says, as does the senate floor leader Sen. Alan Cropsey, R-DeWitt, that this is enumerating and the bill should just state, "no bullying," because anyone whose enumerated would be treated differently.  What?  Here's what I think.  Gary Glenn is hoping that by stating that the bill will "promote a homosexual agenda by creating a special protection for gays and lesbians," his followers will blindly believe this and continue to hate homosexuals.  He, and those who think like him, don't care that all of our young people need to be protected from bullies, especially bullies who have reached adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. bullies? i love bullies. my favorite (read: all) u.s. presidents are entitled bullies.
