Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I just can's help myself, I can't ignore stupidity!

There is a new governor in Wisconsin, Scott Walker, and he is threatening to take away government workers' right to form unions and bargain contracts.  Now to me that sounds more like a dictatorship than a democracy and we should all be very worried about this.  Worse is his thinking; "We can no longer live in a society where the public employees are the haves and the taxpayers who foot the bills are the have-nots... the bottom line is that we are going to look at every legal means we have to try to put that balance more on the side of the taxpayers."  Public employees are the haves?  No, Governor Walker public employees are the ones working damn hard for a small slice of the pie and you want to take away the one safety net they have, unions.  And guess what, public employees are taxpayers!  So, excuse me, but what in the hell are your spewing?  A bunch of crap I think, in the guise of sounding intelligent and as if you care about the workers of this country.  Then there is another new governor, John Kasich of Ohio, who wants to ban strikes by teachers, and says "If they want to strike, they should be fired.  They've got good jobs, they've got high pay, they get good benefits, a great retirement, what are they striking for?"  What?  They wouldn't want to strike if their great pay, good benefits, and great retirement wasn't about to be taken away!  What a moron!  How do these idiots get elected, and why or why are there so many people, who will be deeply affected by their agendas, in support of them?  I'm trying to go in a different direction with this blog, but when I read this stuff I just can't help myself!


  1. I wonder how our elected officials, who think this way, would react? If all public employees nation wide decided to take a week off all at the same time.

  2. They get elected by morons because of the apathy of people who really believe their ship is going to come in.
