Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let the New Year Begin!

I needed to post something yesterday but not having a really deep thought I didn't  post one!  Today I do, have a deep thought that is.  How do you see 2010?  I see it as having been a year that brought some pretty good things my way, yet all that was hoped for did not come to fruition.  I am not complaining.  I am one of the lucky ones whose life did not completely fall apart, or even really feel much change.  I look back on 2010 and smile at some pretty wonderful memories, shake my head at some pretty ridiculous stuff that went on, and basically know I had a very good year.  I want another one.  I do not live an excessive lifestyle.  I try to take care of myself.  I work hard. I take care of my family.  I pray, and I hope, and I dream.  And there you have the deep thought.  I am lucky enough to believe; I mean really, really believe.  So I pray and know that my prayers will be answered.  I am not sure how they will be answered, but God is listening and will reply.  I am fortunate enough to be able to hope.  I hope that everyone I love will be safe, happy and healthy.  The ability is there for that hope to be a reality, that's lucky.  I also dream of good things.  I get lost in my dreams sometimes and know that they will not be reality, but that's okay because my life now is good enough that I can be okay with my dreams.  What I want, is for 2011 to be a year that allows growth and change to be embraced.  I pray that those I love will find whatever it is they might be searching for; love, peace, contentment, joy, companionship, or simply the ability to be comfortable in their skin and place.  I hope that those I know and care about who are suffering will find relief and healing.  I hope that those I know and love will continue to live lives of fulfillment and prosper in this new year.  I dream the dreams of mine.  May 2011 be the year that allows you to see beauty in a gray day, to hear music in the noise, to speak the truth when it is difficult, to smell the flowers that are on the path that you journey, and to touch a life that you do not know you touch, in fact, may you touch many.  God Bless and Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, Rosemary! I also believe that God is always listening to our prayers, but may not always answer them the way we think He should! I am also feeling blessed that we were able to continue enjoying a roof over our heads, food in our bellys, and the opportunity to work, even when we didn't feel like it. So many of our friends and family had a much harder time of things. However, with the hardships came some opportunities, like my sister in law deciding to go back to school when she lost her job. My hope for the new year is that people will find peace and contentment, and that we will then find a way to share our blessings with others who are not as fortunate. Thanks for sharing!
